Learn German & live in your private teacher's home around Hamburg with Home Language International! Home Language International (HLI) is a family-run business offering language courses in more than 20 languages in over 30 countries worldwide, including German lessons at an experienced private teacher's home in Germany. More than 5,000 students take advantage of our services every year. Ian Josephs, Danielle Josephs, their 5 adult children and an expert team of dedicated staff all put in very long hours for HLI. You stay in an experienced teacher's family home, have one-to-one German lessons and then continue to use the language during the rest of your stay in Hamburg. Because you are the only student, you are guaranteed individual attention. The lessons are completely designed for you, so the teacher will focus exactly on what you need. Mealtime conversation, television and social contacts are all in German. All of our teachers in Germany have a university degree (or equivalent) and/or a recognised teaching certificate. All teachers have been visited by one of our local organisers. Their qualifications have been checked and their homes throughly inspected. During your stay in Hamburg, a local organiser will monitor your progress and make sure your experience is both happy and successful. Home Language International (HLI) is accredited by the Accreditation Body for Language Services (ABLS), Association of Language Travel Organisations (ALTO), and UNOSEL.
Our language courses in Hamburg - 39 languages to choose from Not only can you learn the common languages with us, but also many exotic ones. So, if you want to learn Arabic, Polish, Russian, Persian, Estonian, Croatian, Hungarian or any other unusual language, you've come to the right place. We offer language courses for beginners and advanced students in Hamburg No matter what your language level is, we surely have the right course for you. We orientate our language courses along the common framework of reference for languages. This divides the language ability into levels A1, A2, B1, B2, C1 and C2. The language level increases with every new level. This has the advantage for you that the courses are comparable. Even if you have started at another language school, you can comfortably continue the courses with us. We offer you every language level. Lessons are taught in small groups, so you get fast results. Take advantage of our free trial lesson and the placement test Company course in Hamburg: English, German, Spanish, Chinese, Japanese language courses We want you to be pleased. So that you can first get an idea of our courses, we offer you a free trial lesson in private lessons. You can test the teacher during the 45 minutes and decide afterwards. If you were previously unsure, the decision will be easier. For groups, you can rely 100% on our 24-hour money-back guarantee. Our service includes a placement test. This helps us to assign you to the right course. You can easily do it on our website. Of course, you are also welcome to the office of our language school in Hamburg for further placement. Learn languages in Hamburg with intensive, private and company courses You can choose between different course models. If you need language skills quickly, we recommend an intensive or semi-intensive course. If you do not live directly in the center of Hamburg and value an individual course design, a private course is best. If you are a business owner and would like to have language courses for your employees, please contact our staff. We have good offers for in-house business courses with you. Our trademark: Moderate prices and small groups As a private language school, of course, we always adapt our prices to the market and the competition. We try to offer as moderate prices as possible and never let our group size swell over 10 participants.
did deutsch-institut di Amburgo si trova nell'Edificio Esplanade, nel cuore della città, e ha aule spaziose e ben illuminate dotate di strumenti di comunicazione all'avanguardia. L'istituto ha anche 60 postazioni per PC, una biblioteca, una caffetteria e diverse sale multimediali ed è raggiungibile dalla stazione dei treni interurbani di Dammtor.
The host are located in Hamburg and surrounding areas.
• Impara una lingua - Impara a parlare • TANDEM Amburgo è un istituto professionale dal 1985. • Siamo ben noti: • per i nostri corsi di lingua • per un servizio efficace, efficiente e personale • per la qualità nell'istruzione superiore • Al TANDEM Hamburg, da oltre vent'anni forniamo corsi di formazione linguistica in un'atmosfera amichevole. I nostri insegnanti di lingue sono professionisti che rendono l'insegnamento e l'apprendimento molto divertenti. Allora perché aspettare? Unisciti a noi ora e scopri di persona questo posto fantastico! • Qui gli studenti imparano la lingua in piccoli gruppi (massimo 10 persone per classe), con materiali e metodi di insegnamento moderni. I nostri corsi di lingua tedesca hanno tutti i livelli. Il nostro motto «Non solo studio delle lingue» è particolarmente vero per quanto riguarda i nostri progetti linguistici ed educativi, nonché i nostri corsi speciali con un programma culturale. • Siamo stati approvati dal sistema di controllo della qualità «Weiterbildung Hamburg», e portiamo il marchio di qualità nel campo dell'istruzione. I nostri standard eccezionali sono monitorati e valutati regolarmente. Inoltre, siamo riconosciuti da CSN (Centrala studiestödsnämden) in Svezia per studenti che intendono studiare il tedesco come lingua straniera all'estero.
German and English Daycamps in Hamburg: During the school holidays we are offering exciting daycamps for children ages 4-12 years in Hamburg. For the children its a joyful journey in a new world, far away from the stresses of everyday life. In fact, its loads of fun here with us! What do the kids need? Only time daily from 9 to 16:30! The camps are completely in English or in German. Previous knowledge of the language is however not required. After our daily excursions in the morning, we concentrate in the afternoon through different age appropriate activities and games on the children’s language development. Everyday along with our different themes, we use playful ways to bring the children into a natural way of speaking. The children recieve multiple opportunities to use their natural impulse to communicate in a foreign language. Through these opportunities the active language competence is strengthened and developed. The children are divided up into age groups, so that the themes can be planned and carried out for the appropriate ages. While the younger children play more simple games, hear stories, color and craft to play and learn the language, the older children have more complex topics and discuss them in a foreign language. You will recieve a concrete plan before every camp week. This way your children have not only an unforgettable holiday experience, but also will profit from the language input, and parents don’t have any worries about their child’s supervision during the school holidays, kita closures or while vacationing in Hamburg. Also, at the end of every camp week, there’s a special presentation for the parents, where the kids can present some of what they have learned—a great ending to an exciting week! The activities vary from camp to camp and week to week so that is possible for the children to participate in multiple camps. The more intense the language input, the better the child’s language abilities will be after the camp weeks. We are excited to report more than 98,2% customer satisfaction from Summer 2023! The price per daycamp week includes a daily lunch for the chilren, as well as all material and all excursions. There will be no additional costs for you! About our ABRAKADABRA method: From the time of its birth every child has acquired the natural abilities to learn a language. They can imitate the sounds they hear, then understand words and later form sentences before finally mastering the language fully. These skills can also be tapped for a second or third language which then penetrates, like the mother tongue, via another section of the brain into much deeper layers than an additional language learnt in later years. There is a good early language learning possibility which has proved its worth in Canada for the past thirty years. In this so-called immersion method children are thrown into a language bath where they first splash around and then start swimming with pleasure. A language is learnt by moving around in that language, by living in it. It has been scientifically proven that different areas of the brain are activated when small children and adults are learning. When children learn languages, the same part of the brain is involved as when they learn their mother tongue. However, according to the principle of Total Physical Response it is considerably easier for them to learn a further language in conjunction with the perception of all senses. In the children's language school we avoid artificial communication as in conventional language lessons. Language is taught without any classical textbooks. Children play in whatever language they are learning. Our children enter a new language world playfully and effortlessly and without being overtaxed learn a foreign language with all their senses seemingly quite involuntarily. About our school: The ABRAKADABA Spielsprachschule and our method were founded in 1997 in Hamburg. We are the market leader in the field of early language acquisition in Germany. It is primarily for children aged 3 to 12 that learn at our school. We are presently represented in different cities in Germany and abroad. In the different cities during the school years the ABRAKADABA schools do have mobile play-instructors to come to kindergardens, elementary schools or private households to offer playful group or individual classes to children.
Educazione e Comunicazione in un contesto globale e interculturale - è con queste cose in mente che è stata fondata la scuola aubiko. L'aubiko e.V. è un'organizzazione no-profit e viene considerata un mediatore culturale. Il nostro scopo è di consentire incontri per la comprensione interculturale e contribuire alla comprensione internazionale. Le nostre aree di competenza includono: L'insegnamento della lingua tedesca a tutti i livelli (dal livello base a quello accademico), compresi i corsi di preparazione per esami di livello universitario (ad esempio TestDaF) Servizi di consulenza agli studenti in relazione al processo di candidatura, ai requisiti del corso e agli standard accademici tedeschi. Sviluppo di scambi interculturali attraverso progetti accademici e culturali transfrontalieri tra università. Esperienza con programmi di scambi internazionali di scuole superiori. Progetti di internazionalizzazione universitaria. Sviluppo di competenze interculturali per aziende e organizzazioni attive a livello internazionale, attraverso seminari di formazione interculturale e sessioni di coaching. Rete globale in costante crescita
Ho adorato il fatto che la scuola fosse vicino a casa mia e che ho avuto l'opportunità di migliorare il mio tedesco, incontrando nuove persone more
Lo abbiamo fatto online, è stato comodo ea casa more
Che tu sia uno studente, un professionista, oppure un viaggiatore, c'è un corso di lingua ad Amburgo giusto per te. Ci sono corsi di tedesco disponibili per tutti i livelli di conoscenza, le età, e durate. Devi solo scegliere un tipo di corso dal seguente elenco per iniziare.