Meiji Academy is your Gateway to Japan! We offer a great variety of Japanese language courses to make sure you can study in a way that is most rewarding and fun for you. Our Standard Japanese course, with a focus on conversation, will make you able to communicate in Japanese in no time. For even faster results you can enroll in additional Private Lessons or Conversational Japanese classes to further solidify your speaking skills. If you want to know more about Japanese culture, you can choose our Japanese Traditional Culture or Japanese Pop Culture courses. Last but not least, our Japanese Business Manners module will prepare you for working in Japan. Taking this course is also mandatory for all students who want to do an internship at one of our many partner companies after they finish their language studies with us.
Hokkaido JaLS specializes in short-term Japanese language study. We have won numerous awards since our establishment in 2012, combining professional Japanese tuition in our intensive language programs with opportunities to use Japanese in practical rea-life situations through a variety of activities and cultural experiences. We welcome all students and provide warm, family-like environment where they receive the support necessary to be successful. It is our desire for students to have such wonderful, memorable, and deep Japanese cultural experiences that they fall in love with the country and return to study here in the future.
Nel complesso mi sono divertito a Sapporo e ho trovato il programma ben organizzato. Come detto sopra, era davvero la mia prima volta in Giappone ed ero molto emozionato prima di arrivare qui. Grazie al fantastico supporto pre-partenza, lo staff del... more
Ho creato così tanti bei ricordi durante le mie sei settimane a Hokkaido. Ho sempre sognato di poter esplorare questo splendido paese e vedere il VERO Giappone lontano dalle luci al neon di Tokyo. Da grande amante della natura e sincero interesse... more
Che tu sia uno studente, un professionista, oppure un viaggiatore, c'è un corso di lingua a Sapporo giusto per te. Ci sono corsi di giapponese disponibili per tutti i livelli di conoscenza, le età, e durate. Devi solo scegliere un tipo di corso dal seguente elenco per iniziare.