Taipei Mandarin Center (TMC) is a Mandarin learning centre In Taipei City.The Institute runs both Group and individual Classes in the Mandarin Language at any time to suit your schedule. We are located in the student-friendly area of Gongguan/Shida. Our teachers are highly-trained language-teaching professionals who are passionate about their subjects. ----- Join TMC
ShuoHao Language Center is a Chinese language center located in Taipei, Taiwan. We run many different level of classes. The classes include group, private, online and professional classes. We understand that time is value, so we offer flexible courses suitable for your language level and availability. Teachers here all have certificate of qualification to teach mandarin Chinese as a second language and several years of teaching experience. Monthly diversified activities from cultural events to fun activities. Come to ShuoHao Language Center, you will not only learn about language, you will also get some good memories here through these activities. So don’t forget to register to our monthly activities. The first step in our exploration of the world is language. It is like the key to the world. ShuoHao Language Center is the best option for you to learn Chinese and fully experience Taiwan. ” SHUO HAO ” in Chinese means that learning is easy and fun, also that you can speak well and learn well! Come to ShuoHao Language Center and let you bravely open the door of your heart to the World.
Le lezioni erano buone. Gli istruttori erano eccellenti. La posizione è buona. Le strutture erano trasandate e squallide ma funzionali. more
L'insegnante è molto esperto e appassionato di cinese. Ha prestato attenzione al mio accento e mi ha corretto. Potremmo parlare di tutto perché è stata molto amichevole. Mi ha aiutato a capire la cultura di Taiwan. Ho seguito una lezione... more
Che tu sia uno studente, un professionista, oppure un viaggiatore, c'è un corso di lingua a Taipei giusto per te. Ci sono corsi di cinese mandarino disponibili per tutti i livelli di conoscenza, le età, e durate. Devi solo scegliere un tipo di corso dal seguente elenco per iniziare.