Il Centro linguistico EMS si trova nel cuore di Kuala Lumpur. Si trova vicino alle torri gemelle Petronas.
Hai domande? Ricevi le risposte dai nostri consulenti, dal personale della scuola e dagli ex studenti.
Fai una domandaДобрый день.Прошу прощения что не ответили вам сразу.Да у нас есть скидки для семьи, а так же мы можем вам помощь с поискам жилья.Сколько вашим детям лет?Вы можете мне позвонить либо написать в ватсапе по номеру +60183773487.Благодарю за внимание
If you would like to register you can contact me directly at this contact:
Email: [email protected]
Phone/ Whatsapp: 018-3773487
Thank you
Dear student,
We have offer English classes for all levels, so yes we accept all levels.
اهلا وسهلا بيكم
الشهر الواحد يكلف حوالي 490 دولار, حسب الصرف. دورة مكثفة لمدرة شهر واحد و 6 ساعات يوميا.
السكن والاستقبال من المكار نوفره لدينا نعم
حياكم الله
المعهد الان مفتوح ويستقبل الحميع ويرحم بيكم
Hi there
Yes. You can com eon your own visa for sure
اخي, اختي العزيز,
الرجاء التواصل معي على الهاتف الخلوي علي برنامج الواتس اب او عن طريق الايميل
[email protected]
شكرا جزيلا
اطيب التماني
هاني جمعة
Hi Girls,
It's Hani here :)
Please contact me on my WhatsApp or Email to answer your inquires. I need to know a little bit from your details to give you the full package
[email protected]
Thank you
Warms Regards,
Hani Juma
Dear customer,
We only teach English language here.
Thank you
Dear applicant,
Thank you for reaching out to us. Please be advised to contact us via WhatsApp or email to provide you with all the details you are asking for.
Thank you and hope to hear from you soon
[email protected]
السلام عليكم
سعر الدورة لمدة 48 اسبوع مع التأشيرة ب 26,610 رنجت ماليزي
Thank you, I hope you had a great holiday, Please email at [email protected]
Thank you
Great our next intake starts on 11th of February. Please send me a copy of your passport to our email at [email protected]
If you are still interested please email me at [email protected]
Hello Mr. Kim
Our classes are based on the level of the students. However, if we have many kids that are on a similar age group we can create a class for them. we currently expecting to have kids classes for our august intake. We might have a winter camp on that time.
Send me your email address and number, so I can explain further
Спасибо, что связались с нами. Пожалуйста, свяжитесь со мной по моему номеру WhatsApp, и я предоставлю вам все детали для курса английского языка и расходов на проживание здесь.
0060142718386 Mr.Hani