Ileri Spanish School
Bethania, JUNIN AV. PANAMA CITY, PANAMA, Panama City, Panama, Panama
Ileri Spanish School
Ascolto, parlando, pronuncia, lettura, scrittura, vocabolario, grammatica e attività
You can choose from the following class times:
L'orario scolastico potrebbe variare secondo disponibilià e stagione.
This course is designed for Spanish teachers or those studying to become teachers. The main objective is to imporve their skills in three specific areas:
* Oral communication
*Grammatical precision
The course provides Spanish teachers the opportunity co considerably improve their knowledge and to share their experiences in the classroom with native Spanish speakers who work in the same field.
Media | 4 studenti |
Massimo | 6 studenti |
Fascia d'età | 10 - 90 anni di età |
Media | 30 anni di età (26 in estate) |
All'ILERI Panama offriamo il nostro programma di immersione spagnola dove utilizziamo il Metodo di Approccio Naturale per insegnare lo spagnolo. Questo è il modo in cui apprendiamo la nostra lingua madre da bambini. Lo studente impara a pensare ed esprimersi in spagnolo.
Il nostro obiettivo all'ILERI è la comunicazione immediata e quindi l'enfasi è sulla conversazione, con la grammatica come strumento di apprendimento. Insegniamo allo studente ad usare il linguaggio, a viverlo e a sentirlo. Il nostro programma di immersione spagnola aiuta lo studente ad acquisire maggiore sicurezza con la lingua.
I nostri studenti vivono un'esperienza culturale e linguistica attraverso la nostra metodologia di insegnamento e la loro interazione con le famiglie ospitanti e la popolazione locale.
Gli studenti vengono suddivisi in gruppi in base alla metodologia ACTFL in cui gli studenti fanno un colloquio orale e un test scritto.
Abbiamo solo PROGRAMMI DI SPAGNOLO per offrire ai nostri studenti una full immersion nella lingua. Non insegniamo altre lingue.
Abbiamo solo piccoli gruppi di studenti e livelli molto specifici. Il numero massimo di studenti per classe è quattro, poi si possono fare delle modifiche in base al progresso e alle esigenze di apprendimento di ogni studente. Abbiamo tre livelli: principiante (I, II, III), intermedio (I, II, III) e avanzato (I, II, III).
Nel nostro programma puoi iniziare le lezioni in qualsiasi momento dell'anno, studiare per tutto il tempo che vuoi e decidere le ore di lezione da fare ogni giorno. Offriamo corsi a lungo termine e programmi intensivi per studenti con un tempo limitato.
Offriamo lezioni individuali. È possibile fare lezione il pomeriggio o la sera. Offriamo anche programmi per medici, insegnanti e avvocati. Nel nostro programma business puoi progettare il tuo programma con lezioni di spagnolo e programmi diversificati.
Offriamo un programma di volontariato in cui i nostri studenti possono occuparsi di progetti sociali a Panama come: Casa Esperanza, Aldeas S.O.S e la scuola elementare Jose Agustin Arango.
L'ILERI si trova ad Altos de Betania, el Dorado, città di Panamá, a 20 minuti in taxi, in auto o in autobus dal centro e dall'area bancaria della città.
L'area di El Dorado, che circonda la scuola e le case delle famiglie ospitanti, offre una grande varietà di ristoranti, banche e bancomat, una farmacia aperta 24 ore su 24, supermercati 24 ore su 24, bowling, negozi e il centro commerciale El Dorado.
La zona è perfetta per il nostro programma di immersione spagnola perché gli studenti si trovano a contatto con la vera cultura e vita di Panama.
La scuola ha quattro aule interne con aria condizionata e due aule esterne. Computer con internet e wifi per computer portatili, ipad, iphone o telefoni cellulari Android.
La scuola ha anche un bellissimo giardino con sedie per godersi l'intervallo con una deliziosa tazza di caffè panamense. Il nostro obiettivo è offrire strutture confortevoli per i nostri studenti e allo stesso tempo mantenere un'atmosfera calorosa e familiare. La nostra scuola è molto rilassata e accogliente, una vera e propria casa lontano da casa.
L'ILERI offre attività in cui lo studente può praticare il proprio SPAGNOLO, abbiamo sessioni di conversazione extra, corsi di danza panamense, corsi di cucina panamense, attività culturali e canzoni latinoamericane, degustazione di frutta tropicale; tour storico a Casco Viejo, tour a Miraflores Locks e tour alla Metropolitan Dried Forest, shopping all'Albrook Mall e film spagnoli.
ILERI has partnerships with the following universities and colleges in Panama. You can gain full or conditional acceptance into one of these institutions.
Le nazionalità e combinazioni di età alla Ileri Spanish School variano in periodi, corsi e livelli diversi. Durante l'anno, l'età media è 30. In estate, l'età media è di 26.
ILERI insegna agli studenti provenienti da tutto il mondo, tra cui:
La scuola di spagnolo ILERI si trova ad Altos de Betania, a soli 5 minuti a piedi da El Dorado. La scuola è a soli 20 minuti di autobus, taxi o auto dal centro e dall'area bancaria. L'area di El Dorado, che circonda la scuola e le case delle famiglie ospitanti, offre una grande varietà di ristoranti, banche e bancomat, una farmacia aperta 24 ore su 24, supermercati 24 ore su 24, bowling, negozi e il centro commerciale El Dorado.
Siamo a soli 5 minuti dall'unica foresta secca dell'America Latina-Parque Natural Metropolitano e a soli 4 minuti dal centro commerciale Albrook e dalla stazione degli autobus di Albrook.
I stayed with a lovely family and had my own private room, bathroom with a mini kitchenette. It was easy in that breakfast and dinner were included. I was about a 20-minute walk to the school, which was perfect. Panama was a bit hot/humid for me but my classroom with Luisa had air conditioning! I also loved the outdoor classroom. Luisa was patient and a great way for me to settle into language classes at 4/hrs a day. We also did a field trip to Panama Viejo with another class. After this week, I headed to Bocas for more Spanish classes. Many thanks to Kristele at LI and all the folks at Ileri. It was a great experience.
Mostra dettagli » Leggi ancora...As I chose to go to the school during the Christmas and New Year holidays, I was fortunate enough to have a one on one learning experience throughout my time in the school. As I had some very basic knowledge of Spanish, mostly very short phrases, I needed the focus of my learning to be on sentence structure. Since I was only there for 4 weeks, there was a limit to what I was going to retain in that time frame. They focused on verbs, past, present and future form, infinitive, substantive singular and plural. They made sure I understood the basics of sentence structure which, for an English speaker can be quite the challenge.
It is important for me to continue to work toward the ability to speak Spanish better as I plan to visit many other countries that primarily speak Spanish. The instructors were aware that I will be traveling more and had me work some of that into the homework that I did. It made it easier for me.
As an adult, it is up to me what I get out of the class. The instructors know their job very well. I am an English tutor and understand the challenges they face with teaching adults and they are very good at helping them understand that they have to do the work to get the results and they are very happy to help.
I would definitely attend this school again.
I am originally from Panamá, and working as a New Jersey Spanish teacher. Ileri surpassed my expectations. The level of professionalism and the rigorous curriculum of the instructors were impressive. I was able to refresh my Spanish. The culture is infused in every aspect of the lessons. I will recommend this school to every Spanish teacher.
Mostra dettagli » Leggi ancora...I stayed in a hotel and my daily commute to the school was an adventure in itself. Conversing with local taxi drivers and coordinating driving instructions with Stacy was definitely a highlight. Challenging and fun it added a lot to my language practice.
The school is located in a residential community and presented many opportunities to observe the normal life in Panama City.
Ileri was a great experience for me for many reasons. It was very easy to reach and was affordable. The teachers were friendly, very approachable, involved everyone, and were very accommodating. It was not only about learning Spanish but being Panamanian (as much as we could). They encouraged us to speak at every opportunity, which made me greatly improve my Spanish in a very short time. The school organised trips to visit various places of interest in Panama, enabling me to experience more culture and history than I would have on my own. There were school activities where we experienced more of the culture and delicious food and also brought all students together. I met very interesting people from all over the world and made friends whom I still keep in touch with. Above all, I love the fact that I have a certificate! I have fond memories of Ileri.
Mostra dettagli » Leggi ancora...I liked the instruction. The people that I stayed with were very nice. The classroom was very hot. The duration of the sessions was a bit too long. It was hard to focus during the last hour due to mental fatigue.
Mostra dettagli » Leggi ancora...I brought a group of 4 to come to Ileri for one week and was very pleased with how welcoming and knowledgeable the instructors were and how all of the details and arrangements were very well coordinated. I thoroughly enjoyed meeting with other international students that were also studying and by the end of the week felt like I had made some long distance friends.
I loved the cooking lesson and the meals you made for us were quite a treat!
We were divided up by ability levels and the small group setting really helped to keep us progressing. Although the content was presented very well, we were given a lot of information to digest in a limited amount of time. Having a Spanish program in the USA where I develop Spanish programs and coach and support teachers, I do have a few suggestions for how I may have benefited more:
I think that in general, there needs to be more input. It works best to give a lot of input before expecting real learning to happen. This input could be in the form of reading (charts, sentences, cards, books, etc.) and listening. Maybe after ample practice with reading and listening, then having us choose sentences that are correct and incorrect so that we recognize the structures as they should be. We might also have sentence strips to construct sentences in proper order (tactile).
I think that maybe switching between presenting, reading, listening in the first part of the morning and then asking us for the output after the break. The presentation methods should be varied as well with a different activity every 5-7 minutes. For example, present, then read sentences aloud, then read silently, then read aloud, then cut out strips, etc.
Writing postcards would be a great activity too and reading tongue twisters to help with pronunciation is invaluable. Or just have list of topics to pick from a hat and have us communicate ideas using concepts we have learned. Write on the board and have us correct each other's errors.
If we started each class with an idea of what we will learn that day, it would help to frame the lesson as well. These are just some ideas to mix it up a little bit and teach maybe less concepts, but make sure they are solid.
I loved Belgica. She is very smart and communicated very well the concepts. I learned what I came to learn and learned a lot. Now I just need to continue using it. Overall, the idea of input would have greatly improved my learning. Thanks for letting me carry on.
My wife, Gladice, is Spanish, while I am an Irish Gringo! I had no expectations going to Iteri for the week, and found it to be quite challenging to take in the conversational side of Spanish. My gringo friend / classmate David and I called the whole trip an "adventure" and that was our positive attitude throughout the whole trip. I think I was okay with present and past verb conjugation, and it helped to exercise the learning via repetition of conjugating, speaking, and asking preguntas. I had limited Spanish content (verbs and words), so it may have been nice to have a list of them in advance for studying. Also, we covered a lot of speaking, but it may have also been nice to have some beginners "survival Spanish" to practice at restaurants, etc. The homework each day was grueling, but looking back it helped a lot and was necessary.
Living with Barta and Ilbierto was very nice, and the food was great. Meeting the people at the school and the other students was fantastico! Everyone was very nice and it was interesting to hear everyone's stories about their lives. It was very hot and that took some getting used to. I wish I had brought more "light" clothes to wear. Now it is 35 degrees in Ohio and I miss Panama! Panama City, the canal, Ancon, and Cosco Viejo were all terrific! I want to go to Costa Rica next.
I know that Gladice and Peggy were very impressed with their advanced level of Spanish study. I felt okay with the basics, but would get lost very quickly on the conversational side trying to listen to people. That part was frustrating. My instructor, Luisa, was very smart and patient with us and fun when our brains would stop functioning. La Recreo saved us and helped revitalize our minds, maybe add an extra, shorter break in the morning for us gringos. All in all, I thought it was a great experience and adventure and would recommend it to anyone wanting to learn Spanish and see Panama. Viva Spanish!
Soggiorni in famiglia sono attentamente selezionati e offrono un'opportunità per imparare molto sulla cultura locale in un ambiente confortevole mentre si studia Spagnolo !in Panama. Questi alloggi sono normalmente distanti dalla scuola da between 1 - 25 minuti circa con i mezzi pubblici. Le famiglie offrono normalmente un servizio pasti accessibile che ti permette di gustare la cucina tipica. Se hai particolari richieste o esigenze alimentari (per motivi religiosi o di salute), puoi comunicarcelo in anticipo. Your housing starts on the Sunday before your first day of class and ends on the Saturday after your last day of class, unless otherwise noted. Learn more about homestay housing
Homestay - Single-person room - Breakfast and dinner
Non possiamo richiedere visti a nome e per gli studenti.
Please note that we do not book flights for our students. If you are researching airfare costs, we recommend using, a search engine that lets you compare flight options from your home country to Panama based on your budget, schedule and preferences.
Studiare all'estero senza preoccupazione con le coperture assicurative su salute ed effetti personali di Language International. Quando prenoti un corso con noi, puoi decidere di acquistare un piano di assicurazione internazionale che copre non solo la cura della tua salute ma anche la perdita o smarrimento dei tuoi effetti personali. Devi prenotare in anticipo la tua assicurazione al momento della registrazione.
Hai domande? Ricevi le risposte dai nostri consulenti, dal personale della scuola e dagli ex studenti.
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