Leadership Essentials

English Path Toronto


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Argomenti del corso

Ascolto, parlando, pronuncia, lettura, scrittura, vocabolario e grammatica

Orario scolastico

Durata del corso
4 settimane
Date di inizio
11 nov 2024
Lezioni a settimana
15 lezioni a settimana (ogni lezione dura 60 min)
Giorni delle lezioni
lunedi - venerdì

Orari delle lezioni

You can choose from the following class times:

Sessione mattutina
09:00 - 12:15

L'orario scolastico potrebbe variare secondo disponibilià e stagione.

Descrizione del corso

By teaching the key concepts of business, marketing and finance, budding entrepreneurs can get
an insight into their futures as to have a successful career in business or start up their own company.
Students are provided with a collaborative and interactive learning environment and get to immerse
themselves in creative project work such as launching a new product or filming a short advertisement.
At the end of each week, all students will present, putting the business tools they have learned to use.
Classes are small, providing ample opportunities for students to develop their skills.

What you’ll learn:
You may look at several of the different topics during the week.

Personal branding – CV, social media etc.
Interview preparation, time management and presentation skills.
Understand different methods of traditional advertising and branding.
Develop and evaluate a basic marketing plan and present it.
Understand the aims, objectives and benefits of running your own business.
Understand external and internal sources of finance.
Understand the role of social media in start-ups.

Professional certificate includes: Course material fee.

Livello della classe

Alto intermedio
You will take a placement test before your arrival in Toronto to determine your class level.

Numero di studenti per classe

Media 6 studenti
Massimo 10 studenti

Età dello studente

Fascia d'età da 25 anni di età in sù
Media 25 anni di età
(22 in estate)


Un attestato di frequenza e completamento sarà rilasciato a fine corso.
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  • Entrata della English Path Toronto 1/6
  • Edificio della English Path Toronto 2/6
  • Studenti della English Path Toronto 3/6
  • Corridoio nella English Path Toronto 4/6
  • Sala comune alla English Path Toronto 5/6
  • Corridoio nella English Path Toronto 6/6


English Path Toronto offre i seguenti tipi di alloggio:

Alloggio in famiglia - Single-person room - Colazione e cena

241 €

Homestay - Single - Full board

Fascia d'età: da 16 anni di età in sù
Località: Outside the city center of Toronto
Tipo di alloggio: Alloggio in famiglia
Tipo di camera: Single-person room
Pasti: Colazione e cena (14 meals per week)
Strutture: Cucina, lavanderia, wireless internet, free internet, e sala TV
Distanza dalla scuola: 35 - 50 minuti in train or subway
Disponibilità: gennaio - dicembre
Giorno di arrivo: domenica, dopo 02:00
Giorno di partenza: domenica, prima 10:00
241 €
A homestay provides an opportunity to stay with a local family. It's an affordable accommodation alternative, ideal for independent leisure travellers of all ages, interns, gap year students, students living abroad and anyone seeking a real and genuine travel experience.

We can check availability for your preferences based on:

Half board homestay
Bed and Breakfast homestay

Services included
Bed linen, towels, telephone use for emergencies. Students need to make sure
to discuss laundry with their host family after you arrive as laundry facilities will depend on the individual homestay.
Extra cost of services: Some hosts might charge a fee for the use of kitchen

Will the Homestay arrange to pick up the student from the airport?
No, however, you can book your airport transfer with your EP school. The transfer to the accommodation will then be organised accordingly.

Where are the host families located?
Homestays are situated within 30-55 minutes of the city centre in different areas of the city.

Alloggio in famiglia - Single-person room - Colazione e cena

241 €

Homestay - Single - Half board

Fascia d'età: da 16 anni di età in sù
Località: Outside the city center of Toronto
Tipo di alloggio: Alloggio in famiglia
Tipo di camera: Single-person room
Pasti: Colazione e cena (14 meals per week)
Strutture: Cucina, lavanderia, wireless internet, free internet, e sala TV
Distanza dalla scuola: 35 - 50 minuti in train or subway
Disponibilità: gennaio - dicembre
Giorno di arrivo: domenica, dopo 02:00
Giorno di partenza: domenica, prima 10:00
241 €
A homestay provides an opportunity to stay with a local family. It's an affordable accommodation alternative, ideal for independent leisure travellers of all ages, interns, gap year students, students living abroad and anyone seeking a real and genuine travel experience.

We can check availability for your preferences based on:

Half board homestay
Bed and Breakfast homestay

Services included
Bed linen, towels, telephone use for emergencies. Students need to make sure
to discuss laundry with their host family after you arrive as laundry facilities will depend on the individual homestay.
Extra cost of services: Some hosts might charge a fee for the use of kitchen

Will the Homestay arrange to pick up the student from the airport?
No, however, you can book your airport transfer with your EP school. The transfer to the accommodation will then be organised accordingly.

Where are the host families located?
Homestays are situated within 30-55 minutes of the city centre in different areas of the city.

Residenza per studenti - Single-person room - Senza pasti

301 €

Casa Toronto - Student residence - Single

Fascia d'età: da 18 anni di età in sù
Indirizzo: 101 Lawton Blvd, Toronto ON M4V 1Z6
Località: Outside the city center of Toronto
Tipo di alloggio: Residenza per studenti
Tipo di camera: Single-person room
Pasti: Senza pasti
Strutture: Cucina, wireless internet, free internet, aria condizionata, e riscaldamento
Disponibilità: gennaio - dicembre
Giorno di arrivo: domenica, in qualsiasi momento
Giorno di partenza: sabato, in qualsiasi momento
301 €
This modern residence is located in Toronto. You will find many shops, restaurants and cafes nearby.

The accommodation includes a:
- Single room with private bathroom
- Full equipped shared kitchen and living space
- On-site gym, swimming pool, sauna and steam room (payable & booked at reception)
- High-speed WiFi included

About the residence

Accommodation types:
Student residence, single rooms with private bathroom and shared kitchen

Bedrooms: The bedroom contains the following:
¾ size bed, pillow, bedding, chair, desk, window, closet. (Excluding towels).

Things you need to bring:
This residence is offered on a self-catering basis. You will need to buy your own food, toiletries, and small household items, such as toilet paper and washing up liquid. You will also need to bring your own towels.

The in-unit kitchen contains the following:
microwave, kettle, toaster, cutlery, cooking utensils, fridge, freezer, oven.

On-site gym, swimming pool, sauna and steam room, outdoor courtyard, cinema room, laundry facilities, games and study areas, prayer and meditation room.
*Please Note* Some of the communal spaces require booking with Reception.

Extra cost facilities:
+ Laundry is managed through an App (Laundry: £3.7, Drier: £2,3).
+ On-site gym, swimming pool, sauna and steam room – Payable at reception

Visitors/guests: No overnight guests.

Noise: Residents are required to respect all other residents and maintain a level of noise that does not disturb others. Quiet hours are 10pm - 8am.

Smoking: No smoking allowed anywhere in the residence.

Reception/security desk:
24-hour service. Office hours are Monday to Friday 08:00-18:00 excluding bank holidays. Outside of
these times the reception is manned by the security team.

Cleaning service:
Light cleaning will be provided from 10am every Saturday.
Prior to this we ask that students strip the linen of the beds and leave this in the room to be collected. (fresh linen will be left by the cleaners).
Students are asked to leave their rooms tidy and free of obstruction and put away their personal effects. They do not need to remain present during cleaning. It is also students’ responsibility to maintain the lounge tidy, and the kitchen clean, by washing their dishes, pans and cutlery after cooking.

Beddings/towels: Fresh clean linens and bedding provided at check-in. 2 sheets, 4 pillowcases & duvet.
Towels are not provided.

Minimum weeks requests: 2 weeks minimum stay. Booking from Saturday to Saturday.
Check-in/check-out: From 3pm/before 10am. If students arrive after 6 pm, the Security will check them in, but they cannot help with special requirements. Students need to register at Reception and present the Britannia confirmation letter.

Accommodation location: Toronto, Canada.

Important Safety Note: To lock their rooms, students need to touch the fob key on the sensor once they close their room door, otherwise anyone can open it.

Supporto per il visto

Non possiamo richiedere visti a nome e per gli studenti. Comunque, la scuola può fornirti la documentazione completa che ti serve per fare domanda di visto.

La tua lettera di accettazione sarà inviata al tuo indirizzo postale con posta ordinaria a carico del mittente. Se desideri ricevere i documenti con posta celere, ti sarà addebitato C$ 100 quando ti registri.

Voli e transiti aeroportuali

Please note that we do not book flights for our students. If you are researching airfare costs, we recommend using Kayak.com, a search engine that lets you compare flight options from your home country to Toronto based on your budget, schedule and preferences.

Assicurazione di viaggio

Studiare all'estero senza preoccupazione con le coperture assicurative su salute ed effetti personali di Language International. Quando prenoti un corso con noi, puoi decidere di acquistare un piano di assicurazione internazionale che copre non solo la cura della tua salute ma anche la perdita o smarrimento dei tuoi effetti personali. Devi prenotare in anticipo la tua assicurazione al momento della registrazione.

Maggiori informazioni sul nostro piano assicurativo »

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