InClasse School of Italian


Descrizione del corso

Il CORSO INTENSIVO STANDARD comprende 20 lezioni da 55 minuti per settimana che si tengono dal lunedì al venerdì dalle 9:00 alle 13:00 con una pausa di 20 minuti alle 10:50. Ogni gruppo è seguito da due insegnanti: nella prima parte della mattinata i gruppi si concentrano su uno studio più strutturale della lingua, mentre la seconda parte è dedicata all’ampliamento del vocabolario, al consolidamento delle strutture apprese e alla produzione orale. Entrambe le parti tengono conto dei più moderni metodi didattici che privilegiano la comunicazione e il coinvolgimento attivo dello studente (Metodologia).

Le lezioni si svolgono in piccoli gruppi, suddivisi per livello, con un numero massimo di apprendenti pari a 8. I partecipanti sono di tutte le età e vengono da tutto il mondo.

Raccomandato per:

Il CORSO STANDARD è un corso intensivo adatto a studenti di tutti i livelli e tutte le età. È particolarmente adatto a chi vuole sfruttare appieno il tempo a sua disposizione a Verona per studiare la lingua italiana.

Requisiti linguistici:

Al CORSO STANDARD possono partecipare studenti di tutti i livelli. I principianti possono iniziare nelle date indicate, mentre gli studenti che hanno già delle conoscenze della lingua italiana possono iniziare il loro corso ogni lunedì. Attraverso un test d’ingresso scritto e orale, il nostro staff stabilisce il livello di ogni partecipante. I livelli dei nostri corsi corrispondono al Quadro Comune Europeo di Riferimento per le Lingue.

Ore di lezione a settimana 20
Giorni di lezione Dal lunedì al venerdì
Orario di lezione 9:00 – 13:00

Date inizio corsi per principianti 2018: 22/10 – 19/11; 2019: 07/01 – 04/02 – 04/03 – 01/04 – 29/04 – 27/05 – 24/06 – 22/07 – 19/08 – 16/09 – 14/10 – 11/11

Argomenti del corso

Ascolto, parlando, pronuncia, lettura, scrittura, vocabolario, grammatica e attività

Orario scolastico

Durata del corso
1-48 settimane
Date di inizio
Ogni Lunedì
Date di inizio per i principianti
31 mar 2025, 28 apr 2025, 26 mag 2025, 23 giu 2025, 21 lug 2025, 18 ago 2025, 15 set 2025, 13 ott 2025, 10 nov 2025 e 09 dic 2025
Lezioni a settimana
20 lezioni a settimana (ogni lezione dura 55 min)
Giorni delle lezioni
lunedi - venerdì
Vacanze scolastiche
20 apr 2025, 21 apr 2025, 25 apr 2025, 01 mag 2025, 02 giu 2025, 15 ago 2025, 01 nov 2025, 08 dic 2025, 25 dic 2025, 26 dic 2025, 01 gen 2026

InClasse School of Italian non tiene lezione nei giorni festivi sopra indicati. La scuola non retribuisce per queste feste, quindi scegli la data di inizio di conseguenza.

Orari delle lezioni

You can choose from the following class times:

Sessione mattutina
09:00 - 13:00

L'orario scolastico potrebbe variare secondo disponibilià e stagione.

Livello della classe

Tutti i livelli, da principiante ad avanzato
Sarai sottoposto ad un test d'ingresso il tuo primo giorno per determinare il tuo livello. Puoi anche fare l'essame' prima da arrivare a Verona.

Numero di studenti per classe

Media 5 studenti
Massimo 8 studenti

Età dello studente

Fascia d'età da 16 anni di età in sù
Media 35 anni di età
(25 in estate)


Un attestato di frequenza e completamento sarà rilasciato a fine corso.
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  • Studenti della InClasse School of Italian 1/19
  • Attività disponibili alla InClasse School of Italian 2/19
  • Studenti della InClasse School of Italian 3/19
  • Classes at InClasse School of Italian 4/19
  • Attività disponibili alla InClasse School of Italian 5/19
  • City of Verona 6/19
  • City of Verona 7/19
  • Attività disponibili alla InClasse School of Italian 8/19
  • Studenti della InClasse School of Italian 9/19
  • Apartments offered by InClasse School of Italian 10/19
  • Apartments offered by InClasse School of Italian 11/19
  • Apartments offered by InClasse School of Italian 12/19
  • Alloggio in famiglia offerto dalla InClasse School of Italian 13/19
  • Alloggio in famiglia offerto dalla InClasse School of Italian 14/19
  • Alloggio in famiglia offerto dalla InClasse School of Italian 15/19
  • Alloggio in famiglia offerto dalla InClasse School of Italian 16/19
  • Alloggio in famiglia offerto dalla InClasse School of Italian 17/19
  • Alloggio in famiglia offerto dalla InClasse School of Italian 18/19
  • Alloggio in famiglia offerto dalla InClasse School of Italian 19/19


Consigliato 96%

basato su 53 recensioni
5 stelle
4 stelle
3 stelle
2 stelle
1 stella
Qualità dell'insegnamento
Strutture scolastiche
Attività sociali
Località della scuola

"Intensieve goede cursus"

Hetty Theunissen-Snijders, studente da Paesi Bassi

kleine klassen, studenten van verschillende leeftijden
enthousiaste docenten, prettige, vriendelijke sfeer
fijne locatie in Centro Storico
aanbod 'buitenschoolse' activiteiten

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Il mio giudizion su questa scuola

Qualità dell'insegnamento
Strutture scolastiche
Attività sociali
Località della scuola
durata degli studi
1 settimana
Data dello studio
25 Nov 2024 - 6 Dec 2024
Consiglieresti questa scuola?
Questa è un commento verificato. Questo studente ha prenotato un corso presso questa scuola attraverso Language International.

"A legjobb helyen tanultam!"

Terézia Majer-Preissig, studente da Ungheria

Francesca és Elena szuper tanárok! Nagyon felkészültek, kedvesek, türelmesek. Hatalmas tudással rendelkeznek. Nagyon tetszett, hogy végre nem angolul történt a tanítás és a magyarázat, hanem minden olasz nyelven zajlott! Szerintem jó kis csapat voltunk! Figyeltünk egymásra, segítettük egymást. Tetszett az iskolán kívüli program is. Közvetlen volt a kapcsolat más csoportok tanulóival. Az egész iskola egy nagy család! Az iskola Verona szívében van! Mások álmodoznak arról, hogy láthassák az Arénát, mi naponta haladtunk el mellette! Csodálatos érzés volt újra látni Verona nevezetességeit! A szállást saját magam intéztem. Elég messze volt az iskolától. Az előnyét láttam, hogy többet láthatok a városból. Szívesen visszajönnék még ide!

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Il mio giudizion su questa scuola

Qualità dell'insegnamento
Strutture scolastiche
Attività sociali
Località della scuola
durata degli studi
1 settimana
Data dello studio
21 Oct 2024 - 1 Nov 2024
Consiglieresti questa scuola?
Questa è un commento verificato. Questo studente ha prenotato un corso presso questa scuola attraverso Language International.
giacomo, administrator at InClasse School of Italian responded to this review.
15 November 2024

Terézia, grazie mille per le tue splendide parole. La tua soddisfazione è un grande premio per noi e ci spinge a continuare a fare sempre meglio.
Speriamo di rivederti presto qui a Verona, ti mandiamo un forte abbraccio e un in bocca al lupo per tutto!
Gaia, Romina e Giacomo (e tutto lo staff di InClasse)

"Pleasant experience learning Italian in Verona"

Vincenzo Botha, studente da Canada

The In Classe school was conveniently located in the old town of Verona, partly because I picked an AirBnB in the immediate vicinity. . The teachers were pleasant and helpful and provided enough material covering important parts of the Italian language, both during the grammar and conversation classes. I found the advanced class above my level and after speaking to the head of the school , was without fuss transferred to a lower level which I found more adapted to my level of knowledge. All in all, I enjoyed it and believe that I had been taught important concepts of Italian grammar and felt over time more confident in the conversation class.

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Il mio giudizion su questa scuola

Qualità dell'insegnamento
Strutture scolastiche
Attività sociali
Località della scuola
durata degli studi
3 settimane
Data dello studio
2 Sep 2024 - 27 Sep 2024
Consiglieresti questa scuola?
Questa è un commento verificato. Questo studente ha prenotato un corso presso questa scuola attraverso Language International.
giacomo, administrator at InClasse School of Italian responded to this review.
15 November 2024

Thank you so much for your feedback! We are glad you improved your Italian at InClasse. Big hugs from all of us!


patricia cedron, studente da Spagna

The experience was amazing from the teachers to the lessons learned. The school activities were so nice to meet people all around the world. I will repeat this amazing experience for sure!

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Il mio giudizion su questa scuola

Qualità dell'insegnamento
Strutture scolastiche
Attività sociali
Località della scuola
durata degli studi
3 settimane
Data dello studio
24 Jun 2024 - 19 Jul 2024
Consiglieresti questa scuola?
Questa è un commento verificato. Questo studente ha prenotato un corso presso questa scuola attraverso Language International.
giacomo, administrator at InClasse School of Italian responded to this review.
15 November 2024

Grazie mille Patricia!!!
Ti aspettiamo per un nuovo corso qui a Verona e ti mandiamo un forte abbraccio!

"The teachers are delightful and the location is very central, however, in the summer the classrooms are very hot!"

Sandra Larkin, studente da Australia

I had an amazing experience in my week, however, my only feedback is I would have loved to have an instruction explained to me in English when I couldn't understand what I was told what to do in an exercise, hence, did the incorrect thing!! This would have enabled me to progress with the lesson. I had to wait until after the class which in my opinion is too late and you've missed most of the lesson to progress. I was told when I enrolled I couldn't ask during the classes. Also, the classroom we were in was very hot and it would have been nice to have the air-con on before starting the class as the room we were in was getting the sun directly in and made it uncomfortable, I had to ask to put it on.

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Il mio giudizion su questa scuola

Qualità dell'insegnamento
Strutture scolastiche
Attività sociali
Località della scuola
Data dello studio
15 Jul 2024 - 19 Jul 2024
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"I had a fantastic week at the centrally-located Italian language school, where exceptional teachers used innovative methods to make learning fun and engaging in a multicultural environment."

Anne Regier, studente da USA

I had a fantastic week at InClasse. The location was central, right in the heart of the historic district, which made it easy to explore Verona during my free time. We rented our own housing, so I didn't use the school's accommodations.

Classes and Teachers:
The teachers were exceptional. Francesca focused on grammar but always made it interesting. For example, when we were learning the future tense, we became fortune tellers or told horoscopes. Clea ran the conversation classes, building on the grammar we learned and incorporating it into fun games that made practicing the language feel natural. The teaching methods were interactive and creative.
Our group was composed of 7 people from Germany, Russia, New Zealand, and Mexico, and 3 from the United States. The multicultural environment added an extra layer of interest to the classes.
Facilities and Activities:
The school's facilities were adequate and well-organized. The extracurricular activities were well-planned and helped immerse us in Italian culture, though I didn't participate in many of them personally.
What I Liked:
The quality of teaching and the innovative approach of the teachers.
The central location of the school, which made exploring the city convenient.
The multicultural environment and the opportunity to make international friends.
What I Didn't Like:
I would have appreciated more detailed communication about the extracurricular activities before my arrival.
Overall, I highly recommend this school to anyone looking to improve their Italian in a fun and engaging environment.

Message ChatGPT

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Il mio giudizion su questa scuola

Qualità dell'insegnamento
Strutture scolastiche
Attività sociali
Località della scuola
Data dello studio
6 May 2024 - 10 May 2024
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"Amazing,unexpectedly beautiful,professional,awsome."

Apostolos Bakas, studente da Grecia

Τhe people there, the teachers know their job very well, thank you Stefania, Veronika,Elena and Gaia, for your effort, advices, and patience always with a smile. The environment is friendly and you feel comfortable from the first moment. Τhe activities in and out of the city was an unexpected touch,thank you Jakob! As for the housing, i could not imagine better hosts. Gianncarlo and Ivana thank you for everything, a real friendship was born! What I will remember are the walks by the river and the old town to the school, unforgettable. Apostolos.Bakas

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Il mio giudizion su questa scuola

Qualità dell'insegnamento
Strutture scolastiche
Attività sociali
Località della scuola
durata degli studi
2 settimane
Data dello studio
8 Jan 2024 - 26 Jan 2024
Consiglieresti questa scuola?
Questa è un commento verificato. Questo studente ha prenotato un corso presso questa scuola attraverso Language International.
InClasse, InClasse at InClasse School of Italian responded to this review.
27 February 2024

Grazie mille Apostolos!!!
Ci vediamo a Karpathos!!!
Un abbraccio!!

"Apartment too far from school."

Pamela Harmeson, studente da Afghanistan

Teacher Veronica for grammar was wonderful. Wish I could have stayed for at least another week of lessons.

My accommodations were too far from school and restaurants and the historic section.

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Il mio giudizion su questa scuola

Qualità dell'insegnamento
Strutture scolastiche
durata degli studi
1 settimana
Data dello studio
2 Oct 2023 - 13 Oct 2023
Consiglieresti questa scuola?
Questa è un commento verificato. Questo studente ha prenotato un corso presso questa scuola attraverso Language International.
InClasse, InClasse at InClasse School of Italian responded to this review.
27 February 2024

Ciao Pamela,

thank you for the reviews.

Unfortunately the accommodations situation is getting more and more difficult in Verona, just like in many other cities in Europe :( and the city center is owned almost exclusively by Air BnB.

That is way most of our accommodations are outside of the city center but at reasonable price compared to Air BnB and

we really hope to see you again at InClasse


"It was a unique experience, very useful lessons and great teachers! Very grateful for this opportunity"

Kristina Fedorova, studente da Russia

I have been to several language schools. I was really very impressed by InClasse in Verona, I was really very happy with the lessons and teachers. Teachers were using different materials and books, were trying to do their best to give us as much information as possible.
I have found many friends there!
Thank you very much for this unforgettable experience

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Il mio giudizion su questa scuola

Qualità dell'insegnamento
Strutture scolastiche
Attività sociali
Località della scuola
durata degli studi
1 settimana
Data dello studio
10 Jul 2023 - 21 Jul 2023
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"Good learning atmosphere and teachers quite engaged."

Jorge Salvatierra Pacheco, studente da Cile

Location and facilities quite appropriate, all teachers seemed committed and were very friendly. Since I took the 6-week program at times felt kind of awkward to have classmates coming and going, with different levels of knowledge. Hence, I noted that some weeks we had to go back and forth in the materials being reviewed.

Lastly, it didn’t look good that at times other teachers would show up in the classroom asking for the (only ?) text book (just buy some more units!)

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Il mio giudizion su questa scuola

Qualità dell'insegnamento
Strutture scolastiche
Attività sociali
Località della scuola
durata degli studi
7 settimane
Data dello studio
22 May 2023 - 14 Jul 2023
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"My understanding of the Italian language has improved a lot thanks to the course, especially passieve knowledge needed for reading and listening"

Jan Kamphorst, studente da Paesi Bassi

The teacher was very good, did explain many grammatical issues and payed a lot of attention to our questions.
The location was perfect, very central and easy to reach. The activities during class were well structured but at the same time there was enough space for questions of the participants. The group was very diverse. Two participants with Brazilian background were faster in understanding, vocabulary and speaking than the ones with English language background. With my knowledge of Spanish language and experience with learning and practicing a new foreign language, and also studying Italian grammar one month before the start of the course, I felt that the speed of the course was sometimes a bit too slow for me. I would have liked a bit more challenge. But in general, there were still enough issues that I could pick up during the course. I’ve learned a lot. The atmosphere during the course was really good, a lot of laughing and mutual understanding. Extra-curricular activities (2 in my case) were nice.

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Il mio giudizion su questa scuola

Qualità dell'insegnamento
Strutture scolastiche
Attività sociali
Località della scuola
durata degli studi
1 settimana
Data dello studio
15 May 2023 - 26 May 2023
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"Pleasant friendly and competent"

Lynn Huppe, studente da Canada

The teachers are very competent. The classroom atmosphere is friendly and dynamic. Verona is a splendid city. It's easy to find because it's not too big.

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Il mio giudizion su questa scuola

Qualità dell'insegnamento
Strutture scolastiche
Attività sociali
Località della scuola
durata degli studi
1 settimana
Data dello studio
12 Sep 2022 - 23 Sep 2022
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"Professional and friendly"

sylvie huard, studente da Canada

I really enjoyed my stay, the classification was perfect, the activities on the history of the city were exciting and the teachers were very dedicated and competent. The organization of the lessons shared between conversation and grammar is great. However, I would have liked there to be more of a link between the grammar seen in the first 2 hours and that reserved for conversation in at least one of the 2 hours. This would have allowed me to practice and further integrate the notions seen previously.

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Il mio giudizion su questa scuola

Qualità dell'insegnamento
Strutture scolastiche
Attività sociali
Località della scuola
durata degli studi
1 settimana
Data dello studio
12 Sep 2022 - 23 Sep 2022
Consiglieresti questa scuola?
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"With great teachers and a nice atmosphere, learning Italian InClasse is an unforgettable experience"

Seraina Maria Teresa Sophia Mihailescu, studente da Germania

The school is located in the historical centre of the city, less than five minutes from the Arena. Because of that grabbing something to eat with your classmates or simply walking through the city for some sightseeing after school is really simple and a great way to spend the afternoon. The teachers have slightly different approaches to teaching, so working with some teachers worked better for me personally than working with others, but generally I got the impression that I learned a lot for the short period of time I was there. After three weeks, I was way more confident when speaking Italian. The activities were a good way to get to know students from other classes and learn more about the city and its history.

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Il mio giudizion su questa scuola

Qualità dell'insegnamento
Strutture scolastiche
Attività sociali
Località della scuola
durata degli studi
2 settimane
Data dello studio
18 Jul 2022 - 5 Aug 2022
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Questa è un commento verificato. Questo studente ha prenotato un corso presso questa scuola attraverso Language International.

"Dieser Sprachaufenthalt war eine einmalige Erfahrung."

Sylvia Kunkel, studente da Germania

Die InClasse School liegt ganz zentral direkt hinter der Arena di Verona.

Die Klassen sind klein und überschaubar. In meiner Konversationsgruppe waren wir z.B. nur zu Viert, was einen guten Lernerfolg sichert. Die Mischung aus Konversation und Grammatik war gut gewählt und alle Lehrerinnen, die ich hatte, waren einfach nur total nett.

In der Freizeit werden verschiedene Aktivitäten angeboten. Ich habe z.B. an einer Besichtigung eines Weingutes und einem abendlichen Apperetivo teilgenommen. Eine Stadtführung wurde auch noch angeboten, aber aufgrund der extrem hohen Temperaturen in der Woche von teilweise über 40° habe ich diese ausgelassen.

Vor der Schule befindet sich ein kleines Cafè, in dem man die Pause verbringen kann. Die Preise hier empfand ich als extrem günstig für Verona.

Beeindruckend fand ich, dass ich Menschen aus so vielen Teilen der Erde kennengelernt habe und mich mit allen auf italienisch unterhalten konnte.
Rundum eine großartige Erfahrung! Warum habe ich bloß so lange gewartet, dies zu wagen?

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Il mio giudizion su questa scuola

Qualità dell'insegnamento
Strutture scolastiche
Attività sociali
Località della scuola
Data dello studio
25 Jul 2022 - 29 Jul 2022
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"Fantastic teachers"

Wilhelm Jetzinger, studente da Austria

When i arrived at the shared apartment it was a very warm welcome. Alberto (host) cooked for me and told many stories about Verona. The next days in school also were an amazing experience. The teachers had so much fun and enthusiasm learning us how to speak Italian. In the breaks we always walked downstairs to the bar and had a coffee and a cornetto. The chats with the other students were as interesting as the classes. In the afternoons we had some activities, like a wine tasting, a city tour and olive oil tasting.
I would recommend this school 100% to everyone who is thinking about learning Italian. Just do it!

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Il mio giudizion su questa scuola

Qualità dell'insegnamento
Strutture scolastiche
Attività sociali
Località della scuola
durata degli studi
1 settimana
Data dello studio
23 Aug 2021 - 3 Sep 2021
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"La vita è bella!"

Lea Hitz, studente da Svizzera

InClasse School of Italian ist eine kleine, sehr familiäre Schule im Zentrum von Verona. Die Lage, direkt neben der Arena, ist genial. Die Lehrpersonen waren sehr nett und sind auf individuelle Bedürfnisse eingegangen. Ich kann die Schule wärmstens empfehlen!

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Il mio giudizion su questa scuola

Qualità dell'insegnamento
Strutture scolastiche
Attività sociali
Località della scuola
durata degli studi
1 settimana
Data dello studio
13 Jul 2020 - 24 Jul 2020
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"I learned a lot even thought I stayed for a short time."

Sylvia, studente da Belgio

From the very beginning I felt welcome and well taken care of. I took both private and group classes with very engaged and qualified teachers who adjusted all the time to the level and needs of the students. The teachers were patient, enthusiastic and professionally explained all the questions. I especially value my private classes where I was able to develop my talking, grammar and knowledge about Italian and local history. The private teacher guided me through so that I was able to see as much as possible in Verona and the vicinity during my short stay. An after-school activity in Giardino Giusti with a teacher who gave us a professionally guided tour in Italian was a rich complement to the language course. The school with classrooms for small groups was in the very centrum of Verona in a proximity of historical places, restaurants and the river. A perfect place to study Italian language, culture and history.

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Il mio giudizion su questa scuola

Qualità dell'insegnamento
Strutture scolastiche
Attività sociali
Località della scuola
Data dello studio
24 Feb 2020 - 28 Feb 2020
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Ursula Schatz, studente da Austria

This is what I liked best:
Enthusiastic team of teachers with highly professional approach to modern language teaching
Small groups - great fun
Modern classrooms close to the Arena of Verona

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Il mio giudizion su questa scuola

Qualità dell'insegnamento
Strutture scolastiche
Attività sociali
Località della scuola
Data dello studio
26 Aug 2019 - 30 Aug 2019
Consiglieresti questa scuola?
Questa è un commento verificato. Questo studente ha prenotato un corso presso questa scuola attraverso Language International.

"The school placed me in the appropriate class, where I learned what I had hoped in my short time there."

Kathryn Tilch, studente da Germania

I was most pleased with the teaching styles and patience of the staff. The teachers knew to keep information relevant and interesting for all class members. They also knew when and how to make corrections with those struggling. There was an excellent class atmosphere. My host lady was also very patient and helpful. My only "complaint" is that I unfortunately only signed up for four hours a day. I would have done better with more intensive instruction. However this is completely my own fault.
The school was very central and the facilities clean and effective for several groups to be taught simultaneously. On day 1 a list of recommended restaurants and bars was passed out. This was very helpful and came in handy.
I had very much been looking forward to the advertised wine tasting excursion, but due to lack of participants, the excursion was cancelled.
Should I find a way to manage it, I will try to go back to this school next summer.

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Il mio giudizion su questa scuola

Qualità dell'insegnamento
Strutture scolastiche
Attività sociali
Località della scuola
Data dello studio
29 Jul 2019 - 2 Aug 2019
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"An useful and different kind of language school."

Anna Katharina Fliegner, studente da Austria

I already knew the school and the teachers from last year. Still I was really excited to be able to go to this school again, because I learned a lot from them. And you always feel welcomed there. The age range is from high school students to whenever you feel fit and motivated to learn Italian. And I believe that this concept has a charm to it and I am looking forward to meet the teachers and the friends I made in Verona again.

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Il mio giudizion su questa scuola

Qualità dell'insegnamento
Strutture scolastiche
Attività sociali
Località della scuola
durata degli studi
2 settimane
Data dello studio
8 Jul 2019 - 26 Jul 2019
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"Very intensive and very effective."

Laura Feist, studente da Germania

I really enjoyed my time at InClasse! The teachers are great and the way they teach is very effective. I really had a great time and met amazing people! I really want to go back if I have the time again!

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Il mio giudizion su questa scuola

Qualità dell'insegnamento
Strutture scolastiche
Attività sociali
Località della scuola
durata degli studi
5 settimane
Data dello studio
27 May 2019 - 5 Jul 2019
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"Would do it again and recomment it to a friend."

Barbara Vermoehlen, studente da Germania

It was a big step for me - only 8 months of self teaching and than everything went on in Italian language. But I found a nice group, supportive teachers and enjoyed it a lot. I have learned more then I had expected.

Joining all activities in the afternoons, I learned a lot of the history of Verona, Wine and the other students. On the last day I was able to see a funny film in the new language (also I understand only about 40% - which is pretty good I think :-)

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Il mio giudizion su questa scuola

Qualità dell'insegnamento
Strutture scolastiche
Attività sociali
Località della scuola
Data dello studio
17 Jun 2019 - 21 Jun 2019
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"Excellent quality of teaching, tailored to individual needs, very good value."

Christine Staley, studente da Inghilterra

The quality of teaching was excellent and I was carefully placed in the class which was right for me (online pre-test and short individual conversation on arrival.) With only 4 students in my group we had excellent individual support and tuition. Both teachers were really skilled at their jobs, very welcoming and supportive. Teachers spoke clearly but quite fast and this supported the development of my listening skills. Grammar explanations were detailed and thoughtful, for example, very thorough review of the range of connectives and their exact meanings. Conversation classes were delightful, our teacher was adept at raising interesting topics, enabling all of us to contribute well and correcting key items for us in a way which didn't interfere with our enjoyment and fluency.
Location excellent, very central and pleasant rooms to work in. Facilities were fine, supplemented by good coffee shop just below the school.I rented a nearby apartment and found this very pleasant. For a longer stay I would recommend being with a family, to gain more experiences of the language.
Afternoon activities were well organised adn varied. I enjoyed understanding the explanations given in detail in Italian by the member of staff supporting us - it was very encouraging to be able to listen at length and understand all the information.
In addition Verona is an excellent base for travel in the nearby region and I was able to spend a half day in Sirmione (Lake Garda) and a day in Bologna. Train travel is easy and efficient.
In addition I really benefitted from being immersed in the Italian culture, the Veronese welcome visitors speaking in Italian and give time for you to respond. My confidence and fluency really improved from 'thinking' and speaking in Italian all day. I would have loved to stay longer.

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Il mio giudizion su questa scuola

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Attività sociali
Località della scuola
Data dello studio
3 Jun 2019 - 7 Jun 2019
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Fabio Biolcati, studente da Lussemburgo

Very good school , staff and the format of the classes. The school is very close to everything. I was very well received. Giacomo accompanied us to really exçellent cultural visits. I would like to thank the teacher Stefania for her excellent teaching skills, sympathy and patience. I hope to return for more classes in Verona and I strongly recommend it. Fabio Biolcati.

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Il mio giudizion su questa scuola

Qualità dell'insegnamento
Strutture scolastiche
Attività sociali
Località della scuola
Data dello studio
19 Feb 2019 - 21 Feb 2019
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[email protected], administrator at InClasse School of Italian responded to this review.
19 March 2019

Grazie mille per le belle parole Fabio!!! Speriamo di rivederti presto qui a Verona!
Un abbraccio da tutto lo staff di inClasse :)

"An energetic small school with too much repetition of previously studied material."

Michael Smart, studente da Australia

Conversational class was good but our grammar teacher spoke too quickly much of the time - without checking to ascertain that we were all following. That meant frustration at times, because I was stuck on a point that I didn't get 2 minutes ago and therefore everything after that was lost. I have found that few teachers (both here and elsewhere in Italy) are aware when this is happening with a student. If there's ONE thing that I would have language teachers address, this is it. Feeling left behind is the worst feeling, one that I find hard to shake off quickly.

As an aside, I know that one school of thought is that one should learn only in the language being taught. Some teachers hold to this view. I now believe it's misguided. A simple example: you can be taught the 5 or so rules for using the conditional tense, but when I reviewed the material it was only when I spoke to my Italian teacher here at home, in English, that the concept behind it was quickly and cogently explained. Simply, whenever you would use 'could, would or should' in English, that's when you use the conditional. Simple and unambiguous. Unfortunately, many grammar teachers don't emphasize WHY you want to use a particular tense - they simply explain the RULES for its use. Students need both: the why (e.g. for using a tense) and the rules for using it. It helps part the mists.

A third issue. No one took me aside to explain why I got something wrong in the entrance test, so I will need to revisit the test with my teacher here at home. Perhaps I need to enroll in some tuition to address this... (?) It wasn't clear to me if the school offered this. It would have helped me if they had.

Location and accommodation were arranged through the school and were great. There were only 1 or 2 activities arranged during the afternoons - pity. The borrowing facility is great, although I didn't have the time and energy for it.

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Il mio giudizion su questa scuola

Qualità dell'insegnamento
Strutture scolastiche
Attività sociali
Località della scuola
Data dello studio
24 Sep 2018 - 28 Sep 2018
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"A dynamic and enthusiastic experience to participate in Italian life"

Hans Stokkermans, studente da Paesi Bassi

- Classes/participants were very diverse and inspiring.
- Teachers were very enthusiastic, committed and professional.
- Location being in the center was great.
- Facilities were ok, but not very durable/sustainable. coffee cups still being plastic, with automatically being put plastic spoons in the cup; The writing map being delivered in a plastic cover. Coffee had to be payed for; There was supposed to be an Italian movie with Italian subtitles, but didn't get to see it; Would be nice also if students could see movies in their free time. Also forgot to ask for it myself, but it would be nice if this sort of things would be offered proactively.
- There was one nice organised activity, a tour in the city with historical explanations. inspiring.
- Housing was what I expected. people were very nice and helpful. The room was like an apartment with everything to it. Still the family, being very busy with their jobs and little child, did not have much time for conversation and seemed tired. It would have been nice though, but was understandable.

- Tests for determining the level/skills, took unfortunately only place the very first day of the course. I did not understand this. Why not send these tests by email the week before so the group setting also could have been made in advance. This process took too much time, and so there was less teaching time (considering I had only one week.

-The group setting was too diverse considering the levels. Some students needed way to much explanation of the grammar and therefore were slowing down the class. Therefore I found out that there was less time for me to put into practice my skills. It was my hope and expectation that there would have been way more time to practice speaking, exercising the grammar in real time, etc, also being corrected by the teacher instantly when needed during conversation. instead it was to much a school class in which grammar was extensively explained or vocabulary was treated. But in that case teachers should be conscious of the fact that one week in any case would be to little time to cover it all. Therefore the most interesting part like the conjunctive wasn't even treated. Teachers may think however that other students were there for more weeks and therefore had more time. however I was not told this in advance and had different expectations. Grammar I already learned at internet, probably not perfect, but I wanted to practice it in real time.
It would be very nice when the school could offer more variation in teaching, like indicated above. that would better correspond with my purpose.

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Il mio giudizion su questa scuola

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Attività sociali
Località della scuola
Data dello studio
24 Sep 2018 - 28 Sep 2018
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"The experience helped to develop my Italian skills and easily break boundaries"

Chistopher Mead, studente da Inghilterra

The experience of InClasse School of Italian was intensive and helped give me a grasp of understanding spoken Italian and cement difficult grammar uses into my knowledge. I liked the classes, because they were small, which gave me a more inclusive education, because they were diverse, having people from different ages and people from around the world, and because all students were at the same level so we could all learn at the same pace.

The teachers also were very helpful and ensured the whole class was immersed into just Italian - this was good because it made me concentrate harder and become determined to learn more vocabulary.

The school had a very good location, being near the centre of Verona. This meant I had the chance to visit many tourist attractions after leaving class and collect lunch quickly.

The activities used in class were good because there was a variety of tasks to complete, both fun and challenging.

The housing was excellent - it was located in a quiet suburb with only a 30 minute walk to the school. I was provided with a wholesome breakfast and dinner and I was encouraged by the family I was staying with to immerse in Italian culture and watch Italian television during my stay.

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Il mio giudizion su questa scuola

Qualità dell'insegnamento
Strutture scolastiche
Attività sociali
Località della scuola
Data dello studio
23 Jul 2018 - 27 Jul 2018
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"Excellent teacher, welcoming atmosphere"

Nomi Cohen, studente da Inghilterra

I enjoyed everything about the school - the language level was challenging, and it was interesting being in a group of students who each came from a different country.

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Il mio giudizion su questa scuola

Qualità dell'insegnamento
Strutture scolastiche
Località della scuola
Data dello studio
18 Jun 2018 - 22 Jun 2018
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"Sehr interessant"

Aleksandra Ramolla, studente da Germania

Die Lehrer erklären sehr gut, wunderbare Stadtführung und der Ausflug . Die Schule ist leicht zu erreichen.Ich hatte das Glück in einer Wohnung deren sehr nette Besitzerin nur Italienisch konnte- das hat mein Unterricht noch verlängert.

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Il mio giudizion su questa scuola

Qualità dell'insegnamento
Strutture scolastiche
Attività sociali
Località della scuola
Data dello studio
21 May 2018 - 25 May 2018
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"Awesome and unforgettable experience, I would like to do again!"

Maria Inez de Sousa, studente da Brasile

I was planning to go to Italy, not just in a tourist way. So I decided to take classes and live a little be like a citizen. Me and my cousins were for 3 weeks in Verona. Our host (Beate) was perfect, at the ended we traveled together with two more friends from Verona! We are great friends now. The school is awesome with a little classes, so the teachers can give us such a wonderful care in our learning. The school is one bloc from the Arena, so, in the middle of the downtown. Lots of days, after the classes we were hanging out there and discovering the city. The school have a little shots of tours too. We made the Romain’s Verona, The Renascent Verona, we were at the winery farm, they show a movie too, they have a class for the Italian's gestures. The teachers are kind and careful. I recommended the experience! If you can, stays more than 03 weeks. At least a month. Thanks La gauge International, inClasse from Verona and Beate (our host).

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Il mio giudizion su questa scuola

Qualità dell'insegnamento
Strutture scolastiche
Attività sociali
Località della scuola
durata degli studi
2 settimane
Data dello studio
8 Jan 2018 - 26 Jan 2018
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Fulup Jakez, studente da Afghanistan

The location of the school in the center of the city is excellent. I could go on foot from the house I was staying in.

The guy I was staying in his house is very friendly and I learned a lot with him. He is also keen to share his knowledge of the city and the language. I feel as a guest in his house.

Teachers are really good and committed to their job. They know how to adapt their classes to the different level and students questions. They also are very good at listening and answering precisely student needs

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Il mio giudizion su questa scuola

Qualità dell'insegnamento
Strutture scolastiche
Attività sociali
Località della scuola
durata degli studi
1 settimana
Data dello studio
17 Jul 2017 - 28 Jul 2017
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"Best School, very nice Teacher, perfect location"

Reni Leuthold, studente da Svizzera

Best School, very nice Teacher, perfect location

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Il mio giudizion su questa scuola

Qualità dell'insegnamento
Strutture scolastiche
Attività sociali
Località della scuola
durata degli studi
3 settimane
Data dello studio
29 May 2017 - 23 Jun 2017
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"Perfekte Schule, nette(r) Lehrer(innen)"

Franz Lobinger, studente da Austria

Die Schule:
Zum Zeitpunkt meines Aufenthaltes waren wir eher wenige Schüler und der Unterricht dadurch sehr intensiv. Ich habe wirklich viel gelehrt bekommen und muss das Ganze jetzt erst einmal richtig üben. Besonders die Konversationsstunden mit Sara haben mich wirklich ein schönes Stück weiter gebracht. Ihr gilt mein besonderer Dank! Es hat mir auch sehr gut gefallen, dass die Schüler aus mehreren Kontinenten waren. Auch wenn der Kontakt in der Pause kurz und sehr oberflächlich war sehe ich es als eine neue sehr positive Erfahrung an. Die Lehrer waren alle sehr nett, freundlich und auch hilfsbereit. Sie hatten für Probleme immer ein offenes Ohr. Die Schule selbst ist in einem ordentlichen Zustand und es mangelt an nichts. In einer Klasse war sogar ein Balkon, auf dem man in der Pause auch rauchen durfte.
Beide Aktivitäten mit Exkursionscharakter an denen ich teilgenommen habe, waren lehrreich und interessant. Viel mehr kamen leider nicht zustande. In der Schule habe ich nachmittags einmal einen italienischen Film gesehen.

Die Gastfamilie:
Als ich ankam entsprach die Unterkunft nicht meiner Vorstellung von Gastfamilie (ich war zuvor noch nie bei einer Gastfamilie).
Die Familie bestand aus dem sehr netten Alberto und seiner Freundin Beate, die einige Male zu Besuch kam. Beide waren sehr nett und zuvorkommend und gaben mir auch einen kleinen Einblick in den italienischen Alltag. Das Zimmer war groß, die Einrichtung etwas spartanisch. Einen Stuhl und einen Tisch habe ich schon sehr vermisst. Gottseidank konnte ich mein Motorrad in dem kleinen Innenhof parken ohne andere beim Ein- oder Ausfahren zu behindern. Der dritte Stock der Gastwohnung war nach langen Spaziergängen oder Einkäufen eine Herausforderung, die mir aber sicher nicht geschadet hat. Sehr nett habe ich von den beiden gefunden, dass sie mich am Abend des Tages meiner Abreise noch angerufen haben, ob ich eh gut angekommen sei.

Die Stadt Verona:
Die alte Stadt mit ihren vielen engen Straßen und Gassen ist kulturell und historisch ein Augen- und Ohrenschmaus, dem man sich nicht entziehen kann. Da gäbe es auch nach zwei Wochen Aufenthalt noch vieles zu entdecken. Negativ: der Verkehrslärm, die schlechte Luft und die teilweise sehr schmalen Gehsteige.

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Il mio giudizion su questa scuola

Qualità dell'insegnamento
Strutture scolastiche
Attività sociali
Località della scuola
durata degli studi
1 settimana
Data dello studio
22 May 2017 - 2 Jun 2017
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"Powerful and clever"

Aila-Maria Harjula, studente da Finlandia

I liked everything. I, myself is an adult teacher, which I appreciate very much the basis of teachers' pedagogical skills and methods. The facilities and activities of the school were completely fine. The lessons were well designed and things from different periods of work together seamlessly. I strongly recommend this school.

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Il mio giudizion su questa scuola

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Attività sociali
Località della scuola
Data dello studio
17 Oct 2016 - 21 Oct 2016
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Catherine Cunningham, studente da Australia

The experience was excellent in all respects. The class sizes were very small. The teachers were varied, skilled, warm hearted and enthusiastic. I liked the way how the morning session was divided into two segments: grammar and then conversation. Even the grammar was done in a conversational way.

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Il mio giudizion su questa scuola

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Strutture scolastiche
Attività sociali
Località della scuola
Data dello studio
19 Sep 2016 - 23 Sep 2016
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"I can sincerely recommend the school to everyone!"

Bernadett Adam, studente da Italia

I studied in the school for seven weeks. I'm very satisfied with everything! The teachers were well prepared and helpful all the time. The grammar was clearly explained. The topics and the tasks were very useful. The class was very international. The location is perfect. The school is newly renovated and well-furnished. There were a lot of interesting programs in the afternoon.

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Il mio giudizion su questa scuola

Qualità dell'insegnamento
Strutture scolastiche
Attività sociali
Località della scuola
durata degli studi
2 settimane
Data dello studio
2 May 2016 - 20 May 2016
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"My experience at InClasse was awesome! From the moment I set foot in the InClasse office until the completion of my course; everyone was warm, friendly, enthusiastic and all around amazing people. I would absolutely recommend InClasse to anyone who wishes to learn Italian. The instructors are native Italian speaking individuals who genuinely want you to learn the most you can during your time there. It is definitely beneficial to have instructors who's mother tongue is Italian so you know how words are pronounced and where to put emphasis. At InClasse, along with all the learning material you will require (textbook, notebook, printouts, and writing utensils) they also provide you a list of places to go and local restaurants to visit. Not to mention the tours and activities they offer their students after lunch break."

Bradley Shumila, studente da Italia

My experience at InClasse was over-all positive!! I took a two week STANDARD INTENSIVE COURSE and I couldn't be happier! The classes are small (a couple of people) which is great because it provides a more intimate and comfortable learning environment.

The teachers at InClasse are all fun, energetic, and want you to learn the language. All teachers are native Italian speakers which aids in the student's learning. In a language such as Italian, emphasis and pronunciation are major parts of the language, and hearing how words are supposed to sound is of huge importance.

The location of InClasse is at the Historic City Center of Verona, right beside the Arena. The location is optimal as it easy to find and so close to an historic site. It is close to bus stops, cafés, and restaurants. Being so close to the Arena, however, means that prices of goods (an espresso and food) are a little more expensive. Not to worry though, InClasse does have a coffee machine onsite where you can purchase an espresso for for €0.50.

The school also offers free WiFi, public computers, and usage of classrooms for study purposes.

InClasse offers activities such as movies, guided tours of Verona, wine and olive oil tasting etc. They are for a small fee but definitely worth it!

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Il mio giudizion su questa scuola

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Attività sociali
Località della scuola
durata degli studi
1 settimana
Data dello studio
2 May 2016 - 13 May 2016
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giacomo, administrator at InClasse School of Italian responded to this review.
09 June 2016

We all want to thank you Bradley for the beautiful words! It is such a pleasure to receive these compliments from our students and to know that we are doing a good job. We try to give all the best to make our students at ease and when we succeed, we are in heaven!
You are a brilliant student and we hope that you will keep studying Italian!
If you come to Verona, stop by for a coffee!

We hope to see you soon!

Arrivederci!!! :)

Giacomo. Gaia, Valentina, Romina e Sara

"Per me la settimana a Verona è stata un' esperienza indimenticabile!"

Valentina Mayr, studente da Austria

The week in Verona was an unforgettable experience for me. Honestly one week was too short! The lessons were interesting and well organised!
Thanks for this amazing experience and the progress I have made!

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Il mio giudizion su questa scuola

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Attività sociali
Località della scuola
Data dello studio
8 Feb 2016 - 12 Feb 2016
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"It was an unforgettable experience"

Silvia Regina Gonczi Mesquita, studente da Brasile

This was my second experience in studying a foreign language in the country of origin, and I can say it was extremely fruitful and rewarding. The school is very well situated in the historic center of Verona, which is a fantastic city. The school is well-equipped, offering some facilities like library, movies, and a computer. The only issue was with the lacking Internet, as in in all of Italy. The planning of the lessons was done according to students' difficulties, seeking to improve and clarify the most vulnerable points - Not a ready and just package. It met the needs of students. The division between the grammatical part and the conversation was very interesting as it gave more lightness and fluidity to class.

The level of teachers was excellent, as well as the didactic used by them. The program of extra activities such as guided tours of Verona addressing several times, visits to canteens and oil mills, outdoor walks, etc., gave a very interesting and different take on the country. The mix of people of various nationalities with a common goal - learning TikiWiki – gave a very good result. I loved it!

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Il mio giudizion su questa scuola

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Attività sociali
Località della scuola
durata degli studi
3 settimane
Data dello studio
19 Oct 2015 - 13 Nov 2015
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"Just fantastic!"

Liselotte Van de Velde, studente da Belgio

I had an amazing time at the school. They had very professional teachers, good lessons and nice activities in the afternoon. All the teachers were extremely friendly, and they helped you when you had a problem.

The only negative: Maybe the non-airconditioned classrooms.

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Il mio giudizion su questa scuola

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Attività sociali
Località della scuola
Data dello studio
6 Jul 2015 - 10 Jul 2015
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"Wonderful experience"

Debora De moraes, studente da Brasile

This was the best experience I have ever had! The school and teachers were awesome. The location, facilities, and activities were perfect. The housing could not have been more delightful.

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Il mio giudizion su questa scuola

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Attività sociali
Località della scuola
durata degli studi
1 settimana
Data dello studio
1 Jun 2015 - 12 Jun 2015
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"Great teaching team and excellent cooking classes"

Eric von Reth, studente da Paesi Bassi

A great team with good enthusiastic teachers. The location centre of Verona is ideal. We loved the extra activities, especially the cooking classes.

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Il mio giudizion su questa scuola

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Attività sociali
Località della scuola
Data dello studio
1 Jun 2015 - 5 Jun 2015
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"You felt like you were part of one big family."

Daniel Ellis

I studied at InClasse for 4 weeks. Having tried several language schools, this was my best experience.

The school is owned by four teachers, and from day one, you are made to feel very welcome and instantly feel part of the community.

Classes are cleverly structured so that two hours (first in the morning) is devoted to formal topics, such as grammar, vocabulary etc etc. The later session is then conversation only with a focus on the earlier grammar / vocabulary lesson.

I had lots of fun at InClasse. I made several new friends and improved my Italian.

I recommend the school to anyone thinking of studying Italian in the Veneto region.

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Il mio giudizion su questa scuola

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Strutture scolastiche
Attività sociali
Località della scuola
durata degli studi
4 settimane
Data dello studio
1 Aug 2014 - 31 Aug 2014
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kay greve

My first contact to InClasse was via your Website. I was looking for a language school in Verona as the city had been recommended to me by my son-in-law, who is Italian, and the fact that it was an easy day’s drive from Vienna, motorway all the way-approx. 7 hours.

After entering “languages schools in Verona”, “In Classe” immediately came up. I was impressed by the easy reading and simple access to all information, the types of classes, the combination of possibilities, and the after-school cultural excursions, which all immediately appealed to me. The pages were colourful and full of supplementary information about Verona and its surroundings.

I sent an inquiry mail and got an immediate and friendly response (that was the second great point) and this continued in all of our correspondences. We chose the Combined Intensive course (20 hours/week + 5 hours/week individual instruction). We then paid a deposit by bank transfer which was promptly confirmed. We were sent an entry exam paper to fill out with different tasks, grammar and comprehension, so that In Classe knew in advance which group to put us in.

In Classe also helped us to find accommodation. The rental company “Dimora Verona” was very helpful, and we reserved a small apartment for 2 persons in Via Sottoriva, just across the road from the river. It was quiet, but only a few minutes’ walk from Piazza Erbe and about 15 minutes from Piazza Bra where “In Classe” is situated.

Our classes started every day promptly at 9:00am with grammar, with a break at 10:50 for coffee, when we would go just around the corner to Alberto’s bar, who took really good care of us! Following on to this we had group conversation from 11:20-13:00. I very much liked that the lessons were built upon each other and that good continuity to previously learnt matter was offered. All language instructors were excellent at explaining even difficult grammar points and vocabulary without once leaving the Italian language-total immersion! Sometimes it was difficult, but thanks to everyone’s acting skills, it was always fun (and I never thought that I would ever say that about grammar). The group size varied, depending on what was being taught, but I believe we were at the most 9 people, but usually not more than 6.

We had lunch from 13:00 – 14:00 and then had one extra hour of individual learning, where we could practice conversation or clear up any points that we still hadn’t understood from the mornings’ lessons. We finally got back to our apartment around 4pm, with a stop on the way for an Aperol Spritz!

At 6:00pm we were at it again - Giacomo’s grammar homework! Thank goodness Gisela was with me (grammar is not my strong point).

Altogether, we spent 9 very intensive learning days - approx. 60 hours of learning. We didn’t really see a lot of Verona, but we went there with the intention of learning Italian and not to sightsee, therefore it was no problem!

From start to finish, we were excellently taken care of - no hitches, no misunderstandings.

I can warmly recommend “In Classe” Verona to all; a beautiful city with wonderful fashion, friendly people and excellently situated for excursions in the surrounding countryside such as Lake Garda, Padua etc.

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Il mio giudizion su questa scuola

Qualità dell'insegnamento
Strutture scolastiche
Attività sociali
Località della scuola
durata degli studi
2 settimane
Data dello studio
19 Apr 2015 - 3 May 2015
Consiglieresti questa scuola?

"The best way to spend three months learning Italian"

Emma farrell

What can I say? I absolutely loved my three months at InClasse. I started from zero; "Ciao" was about as much as I could muster! Now I am reading my first book in Italian, and it's not even a children's book! At InClasse, I really felt that all my needs were catered for. If I was weak in a certain area (vocabulary!), I was moved to a group that emphasized on building vocabulary. Class sizes were small, which was great for me, as I felt that I took in information better when in small groups and when everyone was at the same level. Everyone took in information at different rates, so after four weeks, everyone was given a little exam and the classes were reshuffled so that nobody felt that they were out of their depth or that they were being held back by others in a class.

I would highly recommend InClasse to anyone wishing to learn Italian. The teachers were extremely helpful and encouraging, even though they must have wanted to tear their hair out at some stage over my terrible pronunciation! If my finances would have allowed it, I would have signed up for another three months. I loved it that much!

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Il mio giudizion su questa scuola

Qualità dell'insegnamento
Strutture scolastiche
Attività sociali
Località della scuola
durata degli studi
11 settimane
Data dello studio
12 Jan 2015 - 3 Apr 2015
Consiglieresti questa scuola?

"Great school with wonderful teachers who cater for all abilities"

Emma Bolus

I have studied at many language schools for both Italian and German in England, Italy, and Austria, and this is by far the best school I have come across. The teachers are really friendly and all clearly love what they do. The standard of the lessons is high and the pace is always good. The classes are kept small which provides a perfect environment of which to learn in and the extra curricular actives are very interesting and lots of fun, especially the wine tour to Soave. Highly recommended.

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Il mio giudizion su questa scuola

Qualità dell'insegnamento
Strutture scolastiche
Attività sociali
Località della scuola
durata degli studi
21 settimane
Data dello studio
1 Dec 2014 - 30 Apr 2015
Consiglieresti questa scuola?


alan martin

My wife and I attended this school for 3 month periods in 2012 and 2013 and we will be returning in 2014. Both of us have vastly improved our Italian as a result of attending this school and would not consider going to another. We attended 4 hours per day, 5 days per week and the classes are small, generally 3 to 5 people, although there was an occasion when there were 8. The classes are carried out according to a lesson plan that meets European requirements, but having small classes made it flexible enough to work on the particular weaknesses of each student. The teachers are professional and caring, and ensure that all points are understood before moving on and that everyone in the class is involved. As well as meeting the requirements of studying grammar, there is also an emphasis in the class on conversation and listening skills. This has enabled us to not only communicate in restaurants, shops, etc. but also to have more complex conversations with Italians that we meet in cafés and shops on subjects such as politics and current affairs, my country Australia, tourist sites to see, where to shop and of course the inevitable “calcio”. We never imagined that we would get to this level of competence.

The school is in a completely renovated building in the centre of Verona close to all facilities. The other students are friendly and we would often go together to a local cafe or “osteria” for lunch. This presented another opportunity to speak Italian since it was the only language that we had in common. There is a free excursion each week on a different aspect of Verona as well as activities in the evening such as Trivial Pursuit, films, etc. In addition paid excursions are offered to surrounding towns, Lago Garda, local wineries, etc. We booked a
self- contained apartment through the school and in both cases, the accommodation was as per the description and photos provided. In each case, the apartment was a 10 minute walk from the school and was close to supermarkets and restaurants.

I really can find no fault with this school and would recommend it without reservation. I am sure that anyone who goes to this school will have a wonderful experience and, like us, will make friends with other students and have memories that will last long after they have returned home.

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Il mio giudizion su questa scuola

Qualità dell'insegnamento
Strutture scolastiche
Attività sociali
Località della scuola
durata degli studi
8 settimane
Data dello studio
4 May 2014 - 30 Jun 2014
Consiglieresti questa scuola?

"My experience was friendly, encouraging, and thorough."

Penny Taylor

The teachers at InClasse are very dedicated to giving their students a connection to the Italian language and the Italian culture. Being a student with them was crucial for me in developing a solid base of language skills to grow in and helped me begin to establish my new life in Italy. The teachers are friendly and caring, easy to learn from. They seem to genuinely care about my needs and goals for language. The location is perfectly situated in the historic downtown of Verona. I found the classrooms and facilities to be very adequate for teaching and for the comfort of the students. I also appreciated the activities they provided. From tours of Verona, to local wineries, or even learning to cook classic local foods like gnocchi, I felt like they were really helping me make the most of my first year in Italy.

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Il mio giudizion su questa scuola

Qualità dell'insegnamento
Strutture scolastiche
Attività sociali
Località della scuola
durata degli studi
38 settimane
Data dello studio
1 May 2011 - 23 Jan 2012
Consiglieresti questa scuola?


Fernando Pagani

Hi everyone, vi racconterò un pò in Italiano di come ho conosciuto la scuola.

Sono brasiliano, e da sempre sognavo di fare un exchange all'estero. Ho scelto l'Italia perché evidentemente è un paese simile culturalmente al Brasile e principalmente perché sono un discendente.

Mi ricordo quando ero appena arrivato in Italia, anche se portoghese non è una lingua così diversa dello spanholo ed italiano io me sentevo completamente perso e preso, non riusciva parlare con nessun'altro, insomma io capivo però non parlavo un acca d'italiano, così è arrivata l'idea di fare un corso d'italiano, siccome già avevo alcuni amici a Peschiera ed a Verona ho cercato delle scuole ad intorno. Ho cercato su internet qualche scuola di italiano e ho trovato il sito di "inclasse", era carino, giovane, mi ha conquistato solo per il video che mostra gli insegnanti ed il loro metodo, quindi alla mattina gli ho inviato una email chiedendogli più informazioni. Che sorpresa! ho ricevuto una chiamata sconosciuta ed erano loro, ho pensato "cavolo! non riesco a parlare quasi niente d'italiano come riuscirò dire qualcosa in diretta" semplice, Giacomo era fluente in spagnolo quindi riusciva capire il mio italoportoespagnolo, un spettacolo! gli ho raccontato le mie necessità e Giacomo mi ha aiutato con tutto.

Ho vissuto in una casa di famiglia a Verona era molto vicino della scuola, quindi quando non volevo andare in bici o quando pioveva io andavo a scuola a piedi. La scuola mi ha aiutato con le lezione specifici di conversazione ed scritta, in troca dovevo fare un sacco di esercizi al giorno, ma la scuola mi ha aiutato non solo in questo quesito, mi ha aiutato anche a conoscere più la cultura Italiana, i posti nei dintorni di Verona, la storia romana, lezione di cucina!! Daii l'ora più bella era quella rsss.

Adesso sono più preparato a tutto, ho imparato a fare le cose da solo, a risolvere i miei propri problemi, mi sento molto più maturo e ho portato a casa un sacco di storie che mai dimenticherò!

Grazie Giacomo, Romina e Gaia che sono stati non solo i miei insegnanti ma anche amici durante questo periodo.

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Il mio giudizion su questa scuola

Qualità dell'insegnamento
Strutture scolastiche
Attività sociali
Località della scuola
durata degli studi
1 settimana
Data dello studio
1 Nov 2011 - 10 Nov 2011
Consiglieresti questa scuola?


Aliya Ungaliyeva

Very good school located in the historical centre of Verona. Teachers are nice young guys, experienced, creative and responsible. They organized social activities which were very helpful in the development of my language skills, so I improved my Italian and am now using it for work! Thanks a lot to InClasse! I recommend this school to everyone who wants to learn Italian!

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Il mio giudizion su questa scuola

Qualità dell'insegnamento
Strutture scolastiche
Attività sociali
Località della scuola
durata degli studi
1 settimana
Data dello studio
10 Nov 2013 - 21 Nov 2013
Consiglieresti questa scuola?


angel corona

I really loved the place; classes were really good and I liked all the activities very much, too. Teachers at InClasse are great and make activities very interesting. The only thing I did not like very much was the place where I was living, but everything else was great.

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Il mio giudizion su questa scuola

Qualità dell'insegnamento
Strutture scolastiche
Attività sociali
Località della scuola
durata degli studi
3 settimane
Data dello studio
18 Mar 2013 - 13 Apr 2013
Consiglieresti questa scuola?

"Great teachers who are really involved in creating the best experience for their students in Verona."

Charline Ferrié

Again, great teachers, great activities, great dynamic. Location of the school is excellent, housing is nearby. Especially amazing tours with Giacomo. I was only there for a week, with previous notions of Italian. My goal was to refresh my vocabulary and speak a lot; I feel I achieved both goals in a very friendly environment. Classes were a good mix of lessons and fun. Excellent idea of having first half of the class with one teacher and the second with another one. The only criticism I can think of is that I sometimes felt that for students with a more professional goal, the mix of students with different levels in the same class could be a small brake. But again, my personal experience was amazing and I enjoyed every minute of it! Thank you for everything. I really hope to get the chance to go back.

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Il mio giudizion su questa scuola

Qualità dell'insegnamento
Strutture scolastiche
Attività sociali
Località della scuola
Data dello studio
8 Jul 2013 - 12 Jul 2013
Consiglieresti questa scuola?


InClasse School of Italian offre i seguenti tipi di alloggio:

Alloggio in famiglia - Single-person room - Colazione

260 €

Homestay - Single-person room - Breakfast

Località: Outside the city center of Verona
Tipo di alloggio: Alloggio in famiglia
Tipo di camera: Single-person room
Pasti: Colazione (7 meals per week)
Strutture: Bagno privato, lavanderia, e sala TV
Distanza dalla scuola: 10 - 30 minuti in walk
Disponibilità: gennaio - dicembre
Giorno di arrivo: domenica, in qualsiasi momento
Giorno di partenza: sabato, in qualsiasi momento
260 €
Se volete avere un’esperienza completa e ricevere un’impressione autentica della vita sociale della città durante il vostro soggiorno a Verona, vi consigliamo di alloggiare presso una delle nostre sistemazioni: potete scegliere di vivere in famiglia oppure in un appartamento condiviso con altri italiani.

Su richiesta alcune famiglie offrono il servizio colazione e cena. Con i vostri compagni di casa potrete naturalmente esercitare tutte le nuove conoscenze della lingua acquisite a lezione. Ciascuno di loro è pronto a darvi buoni consigli sullo shopping, la cucina e i locali interessanti di Verona.

Per coloro che preferiscono un alloggio confortevole in completa indipendenza, mettiamo a disposizione uno dei nostri appartamenti privati (monolocali o bilocali), tutti situati nel centro storico o in una zona limitrofa.

Se preferite alloggiare in un hotel o in un Bed and Breakfast saremo lieti di fornirvi una lista di sistemazioni che troviamo confortevoli e in una buona posizione.

Alloggio in famiglia - Single-person room - Colazione e cena

320 €

Homestay - Single-person room - Breakfast and dinner

Tipo di alloggio: Alloggio in famiglia
Tipo di camera: Single-person room
Pasti: Colazione e cena (14 meals per week)
Strutture: Bagno privato, lavanderia, wireless internet, free internet, tappeto, e riscaldamento
Distanza dalla scuola: 10 - 30 minuti
Disponibilità: gennaio - dicembre
Giorno di arrivo: domenica, in qualsiasi momento
Giorno di partenza: sabato, in qualsiasi momento
320 €
Se volete avere un’esperienza completa e ricevere un’impressione autentica della vita sociale della città durante il vostro soggiorno a Verona, vi consigliamo di alloggiare presso una delle nostre sistemazioni: potete scegliere di vivere in famiglia oppure in un appartamento condiviso con altri italiani.

Su richiesta alcune famiglie offrono il servizio colazione e cena. Con i vostri compagni di casa potrete naturalmente esercitare tutte le nuove conoscenze della lingua acquisite a lezione. Ciascuno di loro è pronto a darvi buoni consigli sullo shopping, la cucina e i locali interessanti di Verona.

Per coloro che preferiscono un alloggio confortevole in completa indipendenza, mettiamo a disposizione uno dei nostri appartamenti privati (monolocali o bilocali), tutti situati nel centro storico o in una zona limitrofa.

Se preferite alloggiare in un hotel o in un Bed and Breakfast saremo lieti di fornirvi una lista di sistemazioni che troviamo confortevoli e in una buona posizione.

Appartamento - Single-person room - Senza pasti

220 €

Shared Apartment

Tipo di alloggio: Appartamento in condivisione
Tipo di camera: Single-person room
Pasti: Senza pasti
Strutture: Cucina, wireless internet, e riscaldamento
Disponibilità: gennaio - dicembre
Giorno di arrivo: domenica, in qualsiasi momento
Giorno di partenza: sabato, in qualsiasi momento
220 €
Se volete avere un’esperienza completa e ricevere un’impressione autentica della vita sociale della città durante il vostro soggiorno a Verona, vi consigliamo di alloggiare presso una delle nostre sistemazioni: potete scegliere di vivere in famiglia oppure in un appartamento condiviso con altri italiani.

Su richiesta alcune famiglie offrono il servizio colazione e cena. Con i vostri compagni di casa potrete naturalmente esercitare tutte le nuove conoscenze della lingua acquisite a lezione. Ciascuno di loro è pronto a darvi buoni consigli sullo shopping, la cucina e i locali interessanti di Verona.

Per coloro che preferiscono un alloggio confortevole in completa indipendenza, mettiamo a disposizione uno dei nostri appartamenti privati (monolocali o bilocali), tutti situati nel centro storico o in una zona limitrofa.

Se preferite alloggiare in un hotel o in un Bed and Breakfast saremo lieti di fornirvi una lista di sistemazioni che troviamo confortevoli e in una buona posizione.

Appartamento - Single-person room - Senza pasti

400 €

Private apartment - Single-person room - No meals

Fascia d'età: da 18 anni di età in sù
Località: In the city center of Verona
Tipo di alloggio: Appartamento privato
Tipo di camera: Single-person room
Pasti: Senza pasti
Strutture: Bagno privato, cucina, lavanderia, telefono, sala TV, e riscaldamento
Distanza dalla scuola: 10 - 30 minuti in walk
Disponibilità: gennaio - dicembre
Giorno di arrivo: domenica, in qualsiasi momento
400 €
Se volete avere un’esperienza completa e ricevere un’impressione autentica della vita sociale della città durante il vostro soggiorno a Verona, vi consigliamo di alloggiare presso una delle nostre sistemazioni: potete scegliere di vivere in famiglia oppure in un appartamento condiviso con altri italiani.

Su richiesta alcune famiglie offrono il servizio colazione e cena. Con i vostri compagni di casa potrete naturalmente esercitare tutte le nuove conoscenze della lingua acquisite a lezione. Ciascuno di loro è pronto a darvi buoni consigli sullo shopping, la cucina e i locali interessanti di Verona.

Per coloro che preferiscono un alloggio confortevole in completa indipendenza, mettiamo a disposizione uno dei nostri appartamenti privati (monolocali o bilocali), tutti situati nel centro storico o in una zona limitrofa.

Se preferite alloggiare in un hotel o in un Bed and Breakfast saremo lieti di fornirvi una lista di sistemazioni che troviamo confortevoli e in una buona posizione.

Supporto per il visto

Non possiamo richiedere visti a nome e per gli studenti. Comunque, la scuola può fornirti la documentazione completa che ti serve per fare domanda di visto.

La tua lettera di accettazione sarà inviata al tuo indirizzo postale con posta ordinaria a carico del mittente.

Voli e transiti aeroportuali

Please note that we do not book flights for our students. If you are researching airfare costs, we recommend using, a search engine that lets you compare flight options from your home country to Verona based on your budget, schedule and preferences.

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