Intensive 30

Language Studies International (LSI): Boston


Descrizione del corso

Questo corso offre: 30 lezioni a settimana, massimo 15 studenti, durata del corso: 1-50 settimane, 1 lezione: 50 minuti, Ore settimanali: 25 ore, età 16+. Il corso Intensivo 30 LSI si concentra su tutte le aree di cui hai bisogno per migliorare la lingua in un breve periodo di tempo. Questo corso è adatto a studenti che desiderano studiare intensivamente e avere una visione completa della lingua e del paese. Gli studenti del corso Intensivo 30 LSI hanno le stesse lezioni descritte per il Generale 20 (lezioni 1- 4). Inoltre, durante le lezioni 5 - 6, c'è una vasta gamma di opzionali per soddisfare tutti i livelli, esigenze e interessi.

Per i corsi di durata superiore a 24 settimane, consultare i corsi dell'Anno Scolastico Internazionale.

* È richiesta la prenotazione di almeno 12 settimane per Principianti.

Argomenti del corso

Ascolto, parlando, pronuncia, lettura, scrittura, vocabolario e grammatica

Orario scolastico

Durata del corso
1-52 settimane
Date di inizio
Ogni Lunedì (eccetto per principianti)
Date di inizio per i principianti
07 apr 2025, 30 giu 2025 e 29 set 2025
Lezioni a settimana
30 lezioni a settimana (ogni lezione dura 50 min)
Giorni delle lezioni
lunedi - venerdì
Vacanze scolastiche
18 apr 2025, 21 apr 2025, 26 mag 2025, 19 giu 2025, 04 lug 2025, 01 set 2025, 13 ott 2025, 11 nov 2025, 27 nov 2025 - 28 nov 2025, 22 dic 2025 - 02 gen 2026

LSI Boston non tiene lezione nei giorni festivi sopra indicati. La scuola non retribuisce per queste feste, quindi scegli la data di inizio di conseguenza.

Orari delle lezioni

Sessione mattutina
09:10 - 10:50
10:50 - 11:10
Sessione pomeridiana
11:10 - 12:50
12:50 - 13:50
Sessione pomeridiana
13:50 - 14:55
Sessione pomeridiana
15:05 - 16:05

L'orario scolastico potrebbe variare secondo disponibilià e stagione.

Livello della classe

Tutti i livelli, da principiante ad avanzato
Sarai sottoposto ad un test d'ingresso il tuo primo giorno per determinare il tuo livello. Puoi anche fare l'essame' prima da arrivare a Boston.

Numero di studenti per classe

Media 12 studenti
Massimo 16 studenti

Età dello studente

Fascia d'età da 16 anni di età in sù
Media 25 anni di età
(24 in estate)


Un attestato di frequenza e completamento sarà rilasciato a fine corso.
Leggi ancora...


  • City of Boston 1/16
  • Statue 2/16
  • Entrata della Language Studies International (LSI): Boston 3/16
  • Classes at Language Studies International (LSI): Boston 4/16
  • Classes at Language Studies International (LSI): Boston 5/16
  • Aula della Language Studies International (LSI): Boston 6/16
  • Sala comune alla Language Studies International (LSI): Boston 7/16
  • Sala comune alla Language Studies International (LSI): Boston 8/16
  • Studenti della Language Studies International (LSI): Boston 9/16
  • Studenti della Language Studies International (LSI): Boston 10/16
  • Dormitorio offerto dalla Language Studies International (LSI): Boston 11/16
  • Dormitorio offerto dalla Language Studies International (LSI): Boston 12/16
  • Dormitorio offerto dalla Language Studies International (LSI): Boston 13/16
  • Dormitorio offerto dalla Language Studies International (LSI): Boston 14/16
  • Dormitorio offerto dalla Language Studies International (LSI): Boston 15/16
  • Dormitorio offerto dalla Language Studies International (LSI): Boston 16/16


Consigliato 88%

basato su 34 recensioni
5 stelle
4 stelle
3 stelle
2 stelle
1 stella
Qualità dell'insegnamento
Strutture scolastiche
Attività sociali
Località della scuola

"I would like to repeat the experience"

Jesús Santos Gonzalez, studente da USA

Everything was very good, I have nothing to complain about

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Il mio giudizion su questa scuola

Qualità dell'insegnamento
Strutture scolastiche
Attività sociali
Località della scuola
durata degli studi
5 settimane
Data dello studio
3 Jul 2023 - 11 Aug 2023
Consiglieresti questa scuola?
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"Great experience"

Pavlo Rone, studente da Repubblica Ceca

A very good school in a good location. I would add more cafes nearby or cafes in the building to keep more hours open. Douglas was a teacher, a very cool teacher with a good approach to classes and creative tasks. I didn’t live and didn’t attend events, I can’t say anything about it

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Il mio giudizion su questa scuola

Qualità dell'insegnamento
Strutture scolastiche
Attività sociali
Località della scuola
durata degli studi
1 settimana
Data dello studio
16 Jan 2023 - 27 Jan 2023
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"That's satisfied ."

MARIKO YASUNO, studente da USA

I took private lessons for 10 weeks.
My teacher was excellent and had a good understanding of the characteristics of Japanese people's English ability.
On top of that, my teacher provided me with appropriate instruction.
Especially in speaking instruction, my teacher mainly taught me pronunciation and phrases commonly used by native speakers.
Now I have a little more confidence in speaking English.
Thank you very much for the wonderful lesson.

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Il mio giudizion su questa scuola

Qualità dell'insegnamento
Strutture scolastiche
Attività sociali
Località della scuola
durata degli studi
7 settimane
Data dello studio
19 Sep 2022 - 11 Nov 2022
Consiglieresti questa scuola?
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"Never come to this school"

Mohammad Alwhaibi, studente da Arabia Saudita

They didn't teach me Academic classes I thought they would give me some plan to start but unfortunately they only want money so it was bad experience

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Il mio giudizion su questa scuola

Qualità dell'insegnamento
Strutture scolastiche
Attività sociali
Località della scuola
durata degli studi
23 settimane
Data dello studio
25 Apr 2022 - 7 Oct 2022
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"A very good experience"

Jesus Alonso Lasso Lozano, studente da Colombia

The experience of the teacher’s is one of the most importance value you have at LSI, but the best issue is the warm of the people.

I appreciate the way I was received the first day. (Cindy was amazing)

Finally I think that you must limit the assistance of the students with flue or similar problems because students assist and LSI accept.

Thanks a lot


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Il mio giudizion su questa scuola

Qualità dell'insegnamento
Strutture scolastiche
Attività sociali
Località della scuola
durata degli studi
1 settimana
Data dello studio
6 Jun 2022 - 17 Jun 2022
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"Best of the best"

Nurgali Ashim, studente da Kazakistan

The teachers were great: Bernadette and Ralph. The location is very convenient: for me.

The rooms are cramped. The equipment and facilities are good. I like LSI.

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Il mio giudizion su questa scuola

Qualità dell'insegnamento
Attività sociali
durata degli studi
3 settimane
Data dello studio
9 May 2022 - 3 Jun 2022
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"That was Amazing"

Paola Cifuentes, studente da Colombia

My experience with LSI was amazing, my teacher Ksenia was very professional and creative, literally she is the best!
I liked he location. see you next summer!!!!

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Il mio giudizion su questa scuola

Qualità dell'insegnamento
Strutture scolastiche
Attività sociali
Località della scuola
durata degli studi
3 settimane
Data dello studio
5 Jul 2021 - 30 Jul 2021
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"It was useful to take English classes."

Léa Carmagnolle, studente da Francia

I was in Boston for one month, working and my company suggested me to take 1 hour private English lesson per day. The teacher was really nice and I was happy having him.
The only problem I had is that I've been told I'd have a certificate at the end and I didn't receive anything. I sent an kind reminder email but I unfortunately still don't have any certificate.

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Il mio giudizion su questa scuola

Qualità dell'insegnamento
Strutture scolastiche
Attività sociali
Località della scuola
durata degli studi
3 settimane
Data dello studio
19 Nov 2019 - 12 Dec 2019
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"Ask, and it will be given to you!"

Miyih Shin, studente da Corea del Sud

I took one to one English courses for 2 weeks at LSI
The classes were from 8:00 to 9:00 am.
I was not tired , but inspired during the class.
The teacher precisely focused on what I wanted to learn.
Thanks to that, now I can say I am making progress with my English speaking skill.

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Il mio giudizion su questa scuola

Qualità dell'insegnamento
Strutture scolastiche
Località della scuola
durata degli studi
1 settimana
Data dello studio
16 Sep 2019 - 27 Sep 2019
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"Good teachers, nice students and location"

Cornelia Russmann, studente da Germania

The organisation was good, but it was very noisy caused by construction work on the street.
Good mix of international students.

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Il mio giudizion su questa scuola

Qualità dell'insegnamento
Strutture scolastiche
Attività sociali
Località della scuola
Data dello studio
22 Jul 2019 - 26 Jul 2019
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"Really interessting"

Arthur Adokpo-Migan, studente da Benin

Professors and administrative staff were always very present, available and responsive. I really liked the good mood that prevailed during the classes.

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Il mio giudizion su questa scuola

Qualità dell'insegnamento
Strutture scolastiche
Attività sociali
Località della scuola
durata degli studi
1 settimana
Data dello studio
15 Jul 2019 - 26 Jul 2019
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"The location of the school is excellent"


The location of the school is excellent, in the courses you meet people from several countries, which forces you to speak in English so that you can get to know them better, because they speak another language

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Il mio giudizion su questa scuola

Qualità dell'insegnamento
Strutture scolastiche
Attività sociali
Località della scuola
Data dello studio
15 Jul 2019 - 19 Jul 2019
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"Nice experience!"

Miguel Bastos Barros, studente da Brasile

I spent only 1 week in the school, but the experience was awesome!
Everthing in the school was great and I made new friends, during the classes and outside the school everybody speaks only English so it was a good experience to practice and improve my english skills.

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Il mio giudizion su questa scuola

Qualità dell'insegnamento
Strutture scolastiche
Attività sociali
Località della scuola
Data dello studio
16 Apr 2018 - 20 Apr 2018
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"Very nice"

Pablo Pol Seijas, studente da Spagna

Hi, my experience was so good. The best was my teacher Glenn. He was a very good teacher and taught me a lot. The school was nice but i didn't like the location near Chinatown. The school didn't have good activities to do after the classes. The accommodation was bad. The apartment was old and dirty and very far from the school.

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Il mio giudizion su questa scuola

Qualità dell'insegnamento
Strutture scolastiche
Attività sociali
Località della scuola
durata degli studi
1 settimana
Data dello studio
22 May 2017 - 2 Jun 2017
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"Very fantastic experience"

Edwige BRASSELET, studente da Francia

That was a very nice experience. Learning English without pressure with great teacher and staff.

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Il mio giudizion su questa scuola

Qualità dell'insegnamento
Strutture scolastiche
Attività sociali
Località della scuola
durata degli studi
3 settimane
Data dello studio
6 Feb 2017 - 3 Mar 2017
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"Not what I expected or needed but a good and nice experience anyway"

Nathaline Nancy Désirée Château-Basler, studente da USA

I expected a class wherein I would repeat the grammar lesson from the very beginning. In which I would repeat every grammar rule systematically within the time I am in class.
If it was the case, I would have needed 10 weeks, which I was not told before and I could not afford.
LSI put two levels together in one class (intermediate and advanced), which is obviously not as good if every level has its own class.
In the afternoon classes I could only choose between a few options, such as TOEFL, but I wanted to prepare for CPE. Thus, I took TOEFL because it was the best option for me, but again not what I really expected.
The teacher (Nell) was great, she really made a good job. Her classes were never boring, she made really good and funny exercises for us, she used loads of different methods and materials. I was lucky to sit in her classes.
The location of the school is great and the facilities are good.
Since I am here with my husband and I will stay in the Boston area for about a year whereas the other students are here for a few weeks and they are much younger. I didn't go to any activity and I didn't avail of the housing.

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Il mio giudizion su questa scuola

Qualità dell'insegnamento
Strutture scolastiche
Località della scuola
durata degli studi
1 settimana
Data dello studio
15 Aug 2016 - 26 Aug 2016
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"LSI is the perfect balance of good teaching, good facilities, good staff."

Livia Mazzocchetti, studente da Italia

My first lesson day was strange, because, although the exams on Monday were really well done, I thought that the Advanced Level was too difficult for me. After 2/3 days, my English was totally unlocked, thanks to my teachers. I really appreciated the other ways that the teachers used to teach us topics that were usually boring.

The location was comfortable, just like the facilities.

I didn't have the opportunity to enjoy all the activities that the school offered, (also because I stayed in Boston for only three weeks) but I could see photos and tales from friends that had been there for 5/6 months and the activities were really fun!

I'm sorry but I don't have any things I didn't appreciate! 

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Il mio giudizion su questa scuola

Qualità dell'insegnamento
Strutture scolastiche
Attività sociali
Località della scuola
durata degli studi
2 settimane
Data dello studio
27 Jul 2015 - 14 Aug 2015
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"An experience awesome Boston is a beautiful city and a great place for learn English"

Hellen Mayerling Servet Ramirez, studente da Perù

The teachers in LSI are good, they help me to improve my English, they correct me when was necessary and I learned new things. The classes are very good, they used different strategies for teach us the lessons. The college is easy to find, and they have different activities for practices English after classes and know Boston. The homestay was excellent. I enjoyed my time with my house parents, they make feel if I was in my house and they help me to improve my English too.

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Il mio giudizion su questa scuola

Qualità dell'insegnamento
Strutture scolastiche
Attività sociali
Località della scuola
durata degli studi
11 settimane
Data dello studio
8 Sep 2014 - 28 Nov 2014
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"Really helpful!"

Rachele Lucia Liguori, studente da Italia

I really enjoyed classes which were very interesting and interactive and I also met a lot of friends from all over the world.

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Il mio giudizion su questa scuola

Qualità dell'insegnamento
Strutture scolastiche
Attività sociali
Località della scuola
durata degli studi
2 settimane
Data dello studio
27 Oct 2014 - 14 Nov 2014
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"Excellent experience"

Jose Ricardo Kulczycki Oropeza, studente da Venezuela

This experience has been the best experience of my life. I learned a lot and enjoyed every moment in Boston. Thank you.

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Il mio giudizion su questa scuola

Qualità dell'insegnamento
Strutture scolastiche
Attività sociali
Località della scuola
durata degli studi
3 settimane
Data dello studio
3 Feb 2014 - 28 Feb 2014
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"I had the most wonderful time ever!"

Susana Sofía Quinteros de Cotter Moine, studente da USA

I had the best time ever! Tim was extremely nice and coordinated everything when I wasn`t able to participate in a class of +50 people. The course was great, I learned a lot, especially grammar. The teacher in the morning was excellent and so was the group.
The best of all was the teacher in the afternoon; it was a blast!!!!!!!

Thank you for everything I would definitely come back or recommend the school. You have excellent classes and a very professional staff.

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Il mio giudizion su questa scuola

Qualità dell'insegnamento
Strutture scolastiche
Attività sociali
Località della scuola
durata degli studi
1 settimana
Data dello studio
10 Feb 2014 - 21 Feb 2014
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"It was good. I really expected more improvement, but I realized that it was necessary to study for some more weeks."

Renata Carpinelli, studente da Brasile

The teachers were great. I didn't like the location and I couldn't enjoy the activities.

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Il mio giudizion su questa scuola

Qualità dell'insegnamento
Strutture scolastiche
Attività sociali
Località della scuola
Data dello studio
6 Jan 2014 - 10 Jan 2014
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"Good, but not perfect"

Aline Eleterio, studente da Brasile

The structure of the school was very good, but at the last week they put us in a level that didn't have water. We only had a bathroom. This thing disappointed me, but if I have to grade it, I'd give 8 for score. The people in the background are very helpful, but the schedule after class can be better.

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Il mio giudizion su questa scuola

Qualità dell'insegnamento
Strutture scolastiche
Attività sociali
Località della scuola
durata degli studi
2 settimane
Data dello studio
21 Oct 2013 - 8 Nov 2013
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"Very impressive."

Artem Kuznetsov, studente da Russia

I find that it is very important to have at least a couple of courses with the right level chosen, make homework, communicate, be open, etc.

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Il mio giudizion su questa scuola

Qualità dell'insegnamento
Strutture scolastiche
Attività sociali
Località della scuola
durata degli studi
3 settimane
Data dello studio
8 Jul 2013 - 2 Aug 2013
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"Completely Excellent"

Walter Iacomacci, studente da Venezuela

Excellent school! I liked it. It was very good. Also, I met a lot of friends and people from other countries like Arabia, China, Japan, and more.

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Il mio giudizion su questa scuola

Qualità dell'insegnamento
Strutture scolastiche
Attività sociali
Località della scuola
durata degli studi
7 settimane
Data dello studio
15 Jul 2013 - 6 Sep 2013
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"You have to change your class every 2 weeks"

OMAR ALTRAIRY , studente da Arabia Saudita

Classes not bad I mean the room size, but the seats are very bad and uncomfortable. Add to that school was divided into three floors in the building. Teachers are welcoming to others and friends for all. School is located very well and it's easy to arrive by public transportation. On each floor has bathrooms and water. Most of the classrooms have air-conditioning. In other classrooms there are some fans. There are computers, free printer, free internet. Activities are useful and fun. Housing not too good not too bad.

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Il mio giudizion su questa scuola

Qualità dell'insegnamento
Strutture scolastiche
Attività sociali
Località della scuola
durata degli studi
8 settimane
Data dello studio
17 Jun 2013 - 16 Aug 2013
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"A dynamic, enriching experience in a convivial learning environment"

Gisele Menye Ntsama, studente da Francia

I only spent 2 weeks in LSI in the TOEFL class. The school was a kind of family setting located in a very noisy place probably due to public works. And sometimes, we had to move from our class. I appreciated the fact that we could have lunch in a nice environment (Rebecca Café) at affordable prices.

I liked the school spirit. That could be seen through easy relationships with had with teachers and the school management.

I really appreciated my 2 classes' dynamics, based on young teachers' abilities to innovate. Even in a boring Toefl class, I had the feeling of learning without pressure. Through interactive activities, games, group works and even playing American football contributed to create a very conducive learning environment.
I also found that outdoors activities were very rich and each of us could find interesting activities to attend. I loved the restaurant and the trip to Hyannis.

For housing, even though the family was smart, friendly and always ready to help us, I did not like that area. Sometimes, at night, you did not feel safe.

I could suggest improvements in 3 ways:
1. Enriching students' vocabulary through a kind of 10 minute review (students making sentences based on new words) every morning, to help new words to be integrated in our vocabulary. Thus at the end of the week you know how to use words, idioms and phrasal verbs seen during the week.
2. Having pronunciation exercises. Currently I am taking pronunciation courses to be able to master the sounds in English and that basic skill is pivotal for learners to be easily understood. And in our class, some students really needed (like me) pronunciation exercises.
3. Maybe think in a future about having more space.

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Il mio giudizion su questa scuola

Qualità dell'insegnamento
Strutture scolastiche
Attività sociali
Località della scuola
durata degli studi
1 settimana
Data dello studio
12 Aug 2013 - 23 Aug 2013
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"I loved it!"

Giorgio Lissia, studente da Italia

I really loved the good times I had in LSI. Both the teachers I had were very prepared and funny! Finally I found the best way to learn a subject! All the people I met were friendly and talkative. One week was not enough. I wish I had more time! But I think I'll be back one of these years.

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Il mio giudizion su questa scuola

Qualità dell'insegnamento
Strutture scolastiche
Località della scuola
Data dello studio
19 Aug 2013 - 23 Aug 2013
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Cralos Araoz, studente da Ecuador

Good teachers, good environment, excellent.

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Il mio giudizion su questa scuola

Qualità dell'insegnamento
Strutture scolastiche
Attività sociali
Località della scuola
durata degli studi
4 settimane
Data dello studio
9 Apr 2012 - 4 May 2012
Fascia d'età
35 - 49
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"Very friendly environment"

Bayan (summer 2010), studente da Kazakistan

I really enjoyed studying at LSI. I was taught with highly-skilled teachers, who were always ready to help and explain things, which confused me about language. My English level definitely has risen, owing to this school. I had 4 teachers, but the best one in my opinion is Mike. He was so kind for all of us, and the style of teaching is more like talking to a friend in relaxed and understandable form. Moreover, he has a brilliant sense of humor! I met so many people from different continents, some of them became my friends and we still keep in touch. overall, it was a great time, I would never regret about choosing LSI from all other schools in Boston.

Leggi ancora...

Il mio giudizion su questa scuola

Qualità dell'insegnamento
Strutture scolastiche
Attività sociali
Località della scuola
durata degli studi
5 settimane
Data dello studio
21 Jun 2010 - 23 Jul 2010
Fascia d'età
25 - 34
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Questa è un commento verificato. Questo studente ha prenotato un corso presso questa scuola attraverso Language International.

"I really cannot forget it, it was great!"

Javier Alexander Ledesma Santana, studente da Repubblica Dominicana

I like the way classes are, and all of the activities you do create a better time and experience in the city.

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Il mio giudizion su questa scuola

Qualità dell'insegnamento
Strutture scolastiche
Attività sociali
Località della scuola
durata degli studi
3 settimane
Data dello studio
6 Sep 2011 - 24 Sep 2011
Fascia d'età
25 - 34
Consiglieresti questa scuola?
Questa è un commento verificato. Questo studente ha prenotato un corso presso questa scuola attraverso Language International.

"Similar to moon, one part luminous and other part is dark"

Omer, studente da Emirati Arabi Uniti

What I liked was: the tactic and style of teaching, the number of student in class, the good location, and a very friendly staff. And what I didn't like was: the class equipment and the small building.

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Il mio giudizion su questa scuola

Qualità dell'insegnamento
Strutture scolastiche
Attività sociali
Località della scuola
durata degli studi
2 settimane
Data dello studio
6 Jun 2011 - 17 Jun 2011
Fascia d'età
35 - 49
Consiglieresti questa scuola?
Questa è un commento verificato. Questo studente ha prenotato un corso presso questa scuola attraverso Language International.


Marta Navarro Hernandez, studente da Spagna

I think it was the best time in my life... I met so many friends and I think that I have improved my english so far with excellent teachers and great activities. It was so nice to do this course in Brisbane. Hopefully when I was there, weather was not so bad... There is my neighbour from Canary Islands doing the course now. I enjoyed a lot and I told him to go there and he is very happy too thanks BEST WISHES

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Il mio giudizion su questa scuola

Qualità dell'insegnamento
Strutture scolastiche
Attività sociali
Località della scuola
durata degli studi
4 settimane
Data dello studio
11 Jan 2010 - 5 Feb 2010
Fascia d'età
35 - 49
Consiglieresti questa scuola?
Questa è un commento verificato. Questo studente ha prenotato un corso presso questa scuola attraverso Language International.

"Semi Group was Great"

Juan, studente da Venezuela

I don't know why the school offered me a change to a semi group class, but this was the best.

I really enjoyed this class with my teacher Bob and my classmate from Japan Yhio, who is a manager and mature person like me.

With them the classes were excellent !!!

On the other hand, my homestay wasn't that I had hoped. I told Leslie this. I hope you could describe better what type of house, distance, room, bathroom and general conditions the student will have. The homester was nice with me and this helped me to feel much better.

Finally, Boston was wonderful, very beautiful and exciting city !!!

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Il mio giudizion su questa scuola

Qualità dell'insegnamento
Strutture scolastiche
Attività sociali
Località della scuola
durata degli studi
3 settimane
Data dello studio
5 Oct 2009 - 23 Oct 2009
Fascia d'età
50 - 64
Consiglieresti questa scuola?
Questa è un commento verificato. Questo studente ha prenotato un corso presso questa scuola attraverso Language International.


LSI Boston offre i seguenti tipi di alloggio:

Alloggio in famiglia - 2-persone in camera condivisa - Colazione

266 €

Homestay - Twin room - Bed & breakfast

Fascia d'età: da 16 anni di età in sù
Località: Boston
Tipo di alloggio: Alloggio in famiglia
Tipo di camera: 2-persone in camera condivisa
Pasti: Colazione (7 meals per week)
Strutture: Lavanderia e altro
Distanza dalla scuola: 45 - 65 minuti in train or subway
Disponibilità: gennaio - dicembre
Giorno di arrivo: domenica, in qualsiasi momento
Giorno di partenza: sabato, in qualsiasi momento
Restriction: 2 students must book together
266 €
Our homestays are carefully selected and offer students the opportunity to learn more about the American culture and New England life in a comfortable setting. Our Student Services Coordinator visits all homestays to ensure a welcoming and friendly atmosphere.
 Age Minimum: 16
 Single rooms with choice of bed and breakfast or half-board
 All bed linen and towels provided
 Laundry facilities available in the home or at local laundromat
(Prices vary, but one load, wash and dry, is about US$5-6.)
 Good and reliable public transportation
 Commutes average 45 minutes to 65 minutes maximum,
which is normal for a major metropolitan city like Boston

Alloggio in famiglia - Single-person room - Colazione

312 €

Homestay - Single room - Bed & breakfast

Fascia d'età: da 16 anni di età in sù
Località: Boston
Tipo di alloggio: Alloggio in famiglia
Tipo di camera: Single-person room
Pasti: Colazione (7 meals per week)
Strutture: Lavanderia e altro
Distanza dalla scuola: 45 - 65 minuti in train or subway
Disponibilità: gennaio - dicembre
Giorno di arrivo: domenica, in qualsiasi momento
Giorno di partenza: sabato, in qualsiasi momento
312 €
Our homestays are carefully selected and offer students the opportunity to learn more about the American culture and New England life in a comfortable setting. Our Student Services Coordinator visits all homestays to ensure a welcoming and friendly atmosphere. This Homestay Features: Age Minimum: 16 ,Single rooms with choice of bed and breakfast or half-board , All bed linen and towels provided , Laundry facilities available in the home or at local laundromat (Prices vary, but one load, wash and dry, is about US$5-6.) , Good and reliable public transportation , Commutes average 45 minutes to 65 minutes maximum, which is normal for a major metropolitan city like Boston.

Alloggio in famiglia - 2-persone in camera condivisa - Colazione e cena

342 €

Homestay - Twin room - Half board

Fascia d'età: da 16 anni di età in sù
Località: Boston
Tipo di alloggio: Alloggio in famiglia
Tipo di camera: 2-persone in camera condivisa
Pasti: Colazione e cena (14 meals per week)
Strutture: Lavanderia, wireless internet, e altro
Distanza dalla scuola: 15 - 65 minuti in train or subway
Disponibilità: gennaio - dicembre
Giorno di arrivo: domenica, in qualsiasi momento
Giorno di partenza: sabato, in qualsiasi momento
Restriction: 2 students must book together
342 €
Our homestays are carefully selected and offer students the opportunity to learn more about the American culture and New England life in a comfortable setting. Our Student Services Coordinator visits all homestays to ensure a welcoming and friendly atmosphere.
 Age Minimum: 16
 Single rooms with choice of bed and breakfast or half-board
 All bed linen and towels provided
 Laundry facilities available in the home or at local laundromat
(Prices vary, but one load, wash and dry, is about US$5-6.)
 Good and reliable public transportation
 Commutes average 45 minutes to 65 minutes maximum,
which is normal for a major metropolitan city like Boston

Alloggio in famiglia - Single-person room - Colazione e cena

392 €

Homestay - Single room - Half board

Fascia d'età: da 16 anni di età in sù
Località: Boston
Tipo di alloggio: Alloggio in famiglia
Tipo di camera: Single-person room
Pasti: Colazione e cena (14 meals per week)
Strutture: Lavanderia, wireless internet, e altro
Distanza dalla scuola: 45 - 65 minuti in train or subway
Disponibilità: gennaio - dicembre
Giorno di arrivo: domenica, in qualsiasi momento
Giorno di partenza: sabato, in qualsiasi momento
392 €
Our homestays are carefully selected and offer students the opportunity to learn more about the American culture and New England life in a comfortable setting. Our Student Services Coordinator visits all homestays to ensure a welcoming and friendly atmosphere.
 Age Minimum: 16
 Single rooms with choice of bed and breakfast or half-board
 All bed linen and towels provided
 Laundry facilities available in the home or at local laundromat
(Prices vary, but one load, wash and dry, is about US$5-6.)
 Good and reliable public transportation
 Commutes average 45 minutes to 65 minutes maximum,
which is normal for a major metropolitan city like Boston

Alloggio in famiglia - Single-person room - Colazione

402 €

Executive Homestay - Single room - Bed & Breakfast

Fascia d'età: da 16 anni di età in sù
Località: Boston
Tipo di alloggio: Alloggio in famiglia
Tipo di camera: Single-person room
Pasti: Colazione (7 meals per week)
Strutture: Bagno privato, lavanderia, e altro
Distanza dalla scuola: 15 - 45 minuti in train or subway
Disponibilità: gennaio - dicembre
Giorno di arrivo: domenica, in qualsiasi momento
Giorno di partenza: sabato, in qualsiasi momento
402 €
Your housing starts on the Sunday before your first day of class and ends on the Sunday two days after your last day of class. Alternatively, your housing can also start on the Saturday two days before your first day of class and end on the Saturday after your last day of class. If you wish to arrive earlier or leave later, the school can arrange any number of extra nights for you, subject to availability. An extra night costs $45.00. For 4 or more nights a full week’s fee is charged.”

Alloggio in famiglia - Single-person room - Colazione e cena

483 €

Executive Homestay - Single room - Half Board

Fascia d'età: da 16 anni di età in sù
Località: In the city center of Boston
Tipo di alloggio: Alloggio in famiglia
Tipo di camera: Single-person room
Pasti: Colazione e cena (14 meals per week)
Strutture: Bagno privato, lavanderia, e altro
Distanza dalla scuola: 15 - 45 minuti in train or subway
Disponibilità: gennaio - dicembre
Giorno di arrivo: domenica, in qualsiasi momento
Giorno di partenza: sabato, in qualsiasi momento
483 €
Your housing starts on the Sunday before your first day of class and ends on the Sunday two days after your last day of class. Alternatively, your housing can also start on the Saturday two days before your first day of class and end on the Saturday after your last day of class. If you wish to arrive earlier or leave later, the school can arrange any number of extra nights for you, subject to availability. An extra night costs $55.00. For 4 or more nights a full week’s fee is charged.

Residenza per studenti - 2-persone in camera condivisa - Senza pasti

402 €

ESL Townhouse - Double room, no meals

Fascia d'età: da 18 anni di età in sù
Indirizzo: 81 Park Drive #1, Boston, MA 02115, Unites States of America
Località: Boston
Tipo di alloggio: Residenza per studenti (fuori campus)
Tipo di camera: 2-persone in camera condivisa
Pasti: Senza pasti
Strutture: Cucina, telefono, wireless internet, free internet, e sala TV
Distanza dalla scuola: 20 - 35 minuti in train or subway
Disponibilità: gennaio - dicembre
Giorno di arrivo: sabato, in qualsiasi momento
Giorno di partenza: sabato, in qualsiasi momento
Restriction: 2 students must book together
402 €
All Apartments Include:

Full furnishings plus:
Free Wi-Fi internet access
Cable TV (in each bedroom in the Shared Apartments)
Telephone with free calls in the United States
Bed linens and towels
Laundry room in the building
Cleaning service every 2 weeks and prior to new arrivals

Shared Apartment features:

Double room
Single Room
Common area for dining
Maximum 3 people per apartment

A US$200 refundable Room & key deposit is collected by the residence upon arrival, payable in cash only. This residence has its own cancellation & refund policy which applies: Move-in Fee is charged with less than 30 days’ notice of cancellation. No weekly fees are due with at least 15 days’ notice of cancellation. With less than 15 days’ notice, the first 2 weeks are charged.
Please note that for a check-in scheduled at ESL Townhouse after 9:30pm, there is a Late Arrival Fee of $50.00.

For all residences, a $400 deposit is required at time of booking to ensure a firm reservation. This deposit will be used towards residence fees or cancellation fees, whichever is applicable.

Appartamento - Single-person room - Senza pasti

699 €

ESL Townhouse Studio, No meals

Fascia d'età: da 18 anni di età in sù
Indirizzo: 81 Park Drive #1, Boston, MA 02115, Unites States of America
Località: Boston
Tipo di alloggio: Appartamento in condivisione
Tipo di camera: Single-person room
Pasti: Senza pasti
Strutture: Cucina, telefono, wireless internet, free internet, e sala TV
Distanza dalla scuola: 20 - 35 minuti in train or subway
Disponibilità: gennaio - dicembre
Giorno di arrivo: sabato, in qualsiasi momento
Giorno di partenza: sabato, in qualsiasi momento
699 €
All Apartments Include:

Full furnishings plus:
Free Wi-Fi internet access
Cable TV (in each bedroom in the Shared Apartments)
Telephone with free calls in the United States
Bed linens and towels
Laundry room in the building
Cleaning service every 2 weeks and prior to new arrivals

Studio Apartment features:

Large room with one Double bed OR large room with two single beds
Entrance Hall

A US$200 refundable Room & key deposit is collected by the residence upon arrival, payable in cash only. This residence has its own cancellation & refund policy which applies: Move-in Fee is charged with less than 30 days’ notice of cancellation. No weekly fees are due with at least 15 days’ notice of cancellation. With less than 15 days’ notice, the first 2 weeks are charged.
Please note that for a check-in scheduled at ESL Townhouse after 9:30pm, there is a Late Arrival Fee of $50.00.

Supporto per il visto

Non possiamo richiedere visti a nome e per gli studenti. Comunque, la scuola può fornirti la documentazione completa che ti serve per fare domanda di visto.

Se sei uno studente a tempo pieno (più di 18 ore a settimana) negli Stati Uniti, riceverai il modulo I-20 che ti serve per presentarlo all'Ambasciata degli Stati Uniti assieme alla tua domanda di visto per studenti F-1. Il modello I-20 ha un codice di tracciamento SEVIS. Gli studenti che vorrebbero fare domanda di visto devono pagare la tariffa SEVIS online prima di recarsi dall'ambasciata o consolato per il colloquio del visto.

Il tuo I-20 sarà inviato al tuo indirizzo postale con posta ordinaria a carico del mittente. Se desideri ricevere i tuoi documenti con posta celere, ti sarà addebitato $95 quando ti registri.

Si fa presente che la legge degli Stati Uniti considera il modulo I-20 valido solo per studenti che seguono corsi di Inglese a tempo pieno. Perciò non è permesso con un visto F-1 per studenti avere corsi con meno di 18 ore a settimana. Se sei uno studente part-time (meno di 18 ore) ti serve un visto da visitatore (B1/B2) procurato da te.

Maggiori informazioni su come ottenere un visto per gli Stati Uniti »

Voli e transiti aeroportuali

L'aeroporto più vicino alla scuola è Boston Logan Airport (BOS).

Please note that we do not book flights for our students. If you are researching airfare costs, we recommend using, a search engine that lets you compare flight options from your home country to Boston based on your budget, schedule and preferences.

Assicurazione di viaggio

Studiare all'estero senza preoccupazione con le coperture assicurative su salute ed effetti personali di Language International. Quando prenoti un corso con noi, puoi decidere di acquistare un piano di assicurazione internazionale che copre non solo la cura della tua salute ma anche la perdita o smarrimento dei tuoi effetti personali. Devi prenotare in anticipo la tua assicurazione al momento della registrazione.

Maggiori informazioni sul nostro piano assicurativo »

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