Family Programme - Young Learners group 30 lessons per week

Gateway School of English GSE


offerta speciale

261 € discount for some courses and accommodations from 1-52 weeks until 31 Mar 2025 Show details »


Descrizione del corso

È un innegabile fatto che molti genitori stanno optando di unirsi con i loro figli per un viaggio d’Inglese a Malta e Gozo. Esattamente per questa ragione, la scuola d’Inglese Gateway, anch’essa a struttura familiare, offre un corso di studio che consente ai genitori di portare i loro giovani figli con loro per imparare l’Inglese, utilizzando strutture che garantiscono un soggiorno flessibile e piacevole.

La nostra scuola offre varie possibilità di scelta per le famiglie che decidono di iscriversi ai nostri corsi, per esempio lezioni individuali o attività di lettura per i bambini e di gruppo per i genitori e molte altre opzioni sono disponibili alla GSE. Inoltre possiamo organizzare servizio di asilo nido per i più piccoli mentre i genitori seguono la lezione.

La residenza della scuola dispone di Bed & Breakfast con trattamento base, Bed and Breakfast con cucina attrezzata in cui gli studenti hanno la possibilità di preparare i propri pasti durante il soggiorno anche per i bambini sotto i 13 anni che viaggiano accompagnati.

Sia la scuola Gateway che il Residence (solo 3 minuti dalla camera da letto alla classe!) sono dotate di Wi-Fi gratis, le famiglie saranno in contatto con il lavoro, amici, parenti, ogni comfort dalla propria camera. La nostra scuola offre un servizio di eccellenza perchè i valori della famiglia sono al centro della nostra missione. Oltre alla residenza offriamo anche di alloggiare in famiglia e sono distanti 5-10 minuti a piedi dalla scuola, anche gli appartamenti son una possibile scelta così come gli hotel 3-4-5 stelle a St Julian e Sliema.

Le lezioni per giovani studenti sono disponibili per bambini dai 4 ai 12 anni tutto l’anno. Offriamo 20 o 30 lezioni a settimana.

Accettiamo anche bambini più piccoli (sotto i 4 anni) solo in alloggi e offriamo una scelta di centri per bambini vicino a scuola.

I genitori pagano le lezioni standard per adulti e la tariffa per l’alloggio (vedi la sezione prezzi in questo sito web) mentre i bambini pagano le lezioni per giovani studenti e le tariffe per l’alloggio (vedi i nostri prezzi nel sito web). I genitori possono anche stare nel loro alloggio (residenza della scuola, alloggio in famiglia, appartamenti o hotel ) senza prendere le lezioni.

Argomenti del corso

Ascolto, parlando, pronuncia, lettura, scrittura, vocabolario, grammatica e attività

Orario scolastico

Durata del corso
1-52 settimane
Date di inizio
Ogni Lunedì
Lezioni a settimana
30 lezioni a settimana (ogni lezione dura 45 min)
Giorni delle lezioni
lunedi - venerdì

Orari delle lezioni

Sessione mattutina
09:00 - 10:30
Sessione mattutina
10:45 - 12:15
Sessione pomeridiana
13:00 - 14:30

L'orario scolastico potrebbe variare secondo disponibilià e stagione.

Livello della classe

Tutti i livelli, da principiante ad avanzato
Sarai sottoposto ad un test d'ingresso il tuo primo giorno per determinare il tuo livello.

Numero di studenti per classe

Media 8 studenti
Massimo 15 studenti

Età dello studente

Fascia d'età 4 - 10 anni di età


Un attestato di frequenza e completamento sarà rilasciato a fine corso.
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  • Dormitorio offerto dalla Gateway School of English GSE 1/68
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  • Dormitorio offerto dalla Gateway School of English GSE 3/68
  • Alloggio in famiglia offerto dalla Gateway School of English GSE 4/68
  • Alloggio in famiglia offerto dalla Gateway School of English GSE 5/68
  • Alloggio in famiglia offerto dalla Gateway School of English GSE 6/68
  • Alloggio in famiglia offerto dalla Gateway School of English GSE 7/68
  • Alloggio in famiglia offerto dalla Gateway School of English GSE 8/68
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  • Reception della Gateway School of English GSE 48/68
  • Dormitorio offerto dalla Gateway School of English GSE 49/68
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  • Studenti della Gateway School of English GSE 55/68
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  • Biblioteca alla Gateway School of English GSE 61/68
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Consigliato 44%

basato su 9 recensioni
5 stelle
4 stelle
3 stelle
2 stelle
1 stella
Qualità dell'insegnamento
Strutture scolastiche
Attività sociali
Località della scuola

"It was amazing learning experience ."

Veronika Horváthová, studente da Slovacchia

It was great. The teachers were extremly nice. The classes were great help with understanding how The IELTS test work and how to prepare for them. We were also given a lot of materials to work with. I lived in the residance near school. It had gratulujem location because there was supermarket near and you could easily get to the center of the city. The housing was nice. I was nicely suprised by the kitchen. What I didnt like was that I had no idea that you need coins for the AC and money for key deposit. It would be good to know beforehand.

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Il mio giudizion su questa scuola

Qualità dell'insegnamento
Strutture scolastiche
Attività sociali
Località della scuola
Data dello studio
5 Aug 2024 - 9 Aug 2024
Consiglieresti questa scuola?
Questa è un commento verificato. Questo studente ha prenotato un corso presso questa scuola attraverso Language International.

"School of English for young people"

Irina Selenius, studente da Inghilterra

Friendly staff and teachers. Location is hard to reach by foot. The school building is a little outdated. The school is more suitable for young people and beginners.

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Il mio giudizion su questa scuola

Qualità dell'insegnamento
Strutture scolastiche
Località della scuola
Data dello studio
9 Oct 2023 - 13 Oct 2023
Consiglieresti questa scuola?
Questa è un commento verificato. Questo studente ha prenotato un corso presso questa scuola attraverso Language International.
Karl Sammut, Sales and Marketing Director at Gateway School of English GSE responded to this review.
19 October 2023

Thanks for taking the time to review our school. We are located within 12 minutes' walk from Spinola Bay - the main tourist area in St Julian's and a very busy area. Our school's location offers a combination of close proximity to the hustle and bustle of Spinola Bay (nearest beach) but at the same time it's a quiet and peaceful location with large open spaces around ideal for studying.

We do not understand what you mean by the school's building is outdated. The school building is a traditional Maltese building with limestone and it also has modern architectural features and all our classrooms are equipped with the latest classroom technology. We have just installed the latest Interactive Hitachi StarBoard technology in ALL our classrooms so we definitely do not agree with your statement.

We have high level students who choose to study with us at higher levels such as Advanced and Business English students as well as English for Professional purposes mainly medical English, legal English, English for Engineering, Aviation English and other ESP courses.

Thanks again for reviewing our school.

"It was a nice experience."

MALEK OUAKAOUI, studente da Francia

it is a school which is well located: not very far from saint Julien. the general atmosphere of the courses is pleasant, we study in class by doing rather playful group work. the teachers are friendly and professional.

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Il mio giudizion su questa scuola

Qualità dell'insegnamento
Strutture scolastiche
Attività sociali
Località della scuola
Data dello studio
10 Apr 2023 - 14 Apr 2023
Consiglieresti questa scuola?
Questa è un commento verificato. Questo studente ha prenotato un corso presso questa scuola attraverso Language International.

"One to one courses"

Fanny Rubi, studente da Svizzera

I spent two weeks in Malta for intensive private courses. I was a little bit disapointed; the school don't have enough classrooms. We had to go in a bar ! Finally, I proposed to the teacher to come in my hotel and it was a good option. When I started, my teacher was sick and I had two differents teachers for the two first day. Unfortunately, they didn't know what I would improve and the courses weren't ready. We found a solution but I lost time... It wasn't really what I've expected. Althought, teachers are good and friendly !

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Il mio giudizion su questa scuola

Qualità dell'insegnamento
Strutture scolastiche
Attività sociali
Località della scuola
durata degli studi
1 settimana
Data dello studio
5 Sep 2022 - 15 Sep 2022
Consiglieresti questa scuola?
Questa è un commento verificato. Questo studente ha prenotato un corso presso questa scuola attraverso Language International.


Crescencio Alberto Molina Corona, studente da Spagna

The only good about Gateway was my teacher.
I didn't like at all the accomodation.


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Il mio giudizion su questa scuola

Qualità dell'insegnamento
Strutture scolastiche
Attività sociali
Località della scuola
durata degli studi
7 settimane
Data dello studio
4 Jul 2022 - 26 Aug 2022
Consiglieresti questa scuola?
Questa è un commento verificato. Questo studente ha prenotato un corso presso questa scuola attraverso Language International.
Karl Sammut, Director at Gateway School of English GSE responded to this review.
12 September 2022

That's very surprising as we used to see you enjoying your time at the GSE residence with other students on the patio and you used to thank the GSE staff for the cleanliness. This is a very decieiving review!


Cléo LEGEAIS, studente da Francia

The teachers were nice, but the classes were not adapted to my level and to my age. I'm fifteen years old, and was in classes with adults (one of the student was around 70 years old...)
It wasn't fun at all and my English didn't improve.

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Il mio giudizion su questa scuola

Qualità dell'insegnamento
Strutture scolastiche
Località della scuola
Data dello studio
18 Apr 2022 - 22 Apr 2022
Consiglieresti questa scuola?
Questa è un commento verificato. Questo studente ha prenotato un corso presso questa scuola attraverso Language International.
Karl Sammut, Director at Gateway School of English GSE responded to this review.
29 April 2022

Dear Cleo, thanks for submitting the review. We had initially placed you in Pre-Intermediate based on your placement test result but you found the level too difficult and your mother asked us to move you to a lower level which we did. Our Director of Studies then spoke to you after classes to make sure that you are comfortable in that level and your answer was positive. As you know you only spent a week at our school, 5 days. We had other teenagers in April especially during Easter but we placed you in the adult class to guarantee your level as the other teenagers were of a higher level. We also encouraged you to join activities as we had a lot of activities during that week and this was a great opportunity for you to improve your English with other teens outside the classroom. You never attended the activities for some reason and I think this would have been an opportunity for you to practise English outside the classroom with other teenagers.

"Not reliable"

Maria Grazia Sumerano

Have you ever heard of an English Summer school that places in the same hotel room all guys of the same nationality? (in our case Italians). GSE did it, despite I specifically asked to place my son in a multi-nationality room (and they answered "Of course, we always do it") and despite it's common sense to mix nationalities, in order to push the guys to speak English during their free time as well. They pretended to be surprised in front of my request to move my son in another room (and they pretended not to remember my request and they didn't do it.
Good teachers, but very bad organization with impacts on the quality of the English learning experience.

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Il mio giudizion su questa scuola

Qualità dell'insegnamento
Strutture scolastiche
Attività sociali
Località della scuola
durata degli studi
2 settimane
Data dello studio
30 Jun 2021 - 14 Jul 2021
Consiglieresti questa scuola?
Karl Sammut, Sales and Marketing Director at GSE at Gateway School of English GSE responded to this review.
07 August 2021

Dear Maria Grazia, thanks for the review. You failed to mention that your son was booked on a summer junior programme and staying at the Topaz Hotel where some of our junior students were staying. It happened to be the case that this year we had a lot of Italian students, unlike the previous years, so the majority of students in the hotel were Italians. The allocation is not entirely the responsibility of the school but the hotel. We can advise the hotel to mix nationalities as much as possible however this is always at the discretion of the hotel (third party accommodation) as this is not the property of the school unlike the GSE residence for adults. As I mentioned previously the majority of the students staying at Topaz were Italians which made it difficult for us to mix nationalities. Then came the sudden closure of schools by the Maltese government which also made it it difficult for other groups to come to Malta and had to cancel their trip. So it was impossible for us to mix your son with other nationalities in a different room.

"Magic, amazing !"

Paloma Geoffroy, studente da Francia

My personal experience at Gateway School was very, very good! I improved my English a lot because the teachers were very patient and kind. the atmosphere in the classroom was very pleasant. For the accommodation I loved sharing my room in the school residence I met a lot of people from different countries! I recommend this school for the French because there are really very few which allow you to speak English every day. it is a wonderful experience to learn English of course but also a magical human experience. Thank you !

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Il mio giudizion su questa scuola

Qualità dell'insegnamento
Strutture scolastiche
Attività sociali
Località della scuola
durata degli studi
11 settimane
Data dello studio
15 Feb 2021 - 7 May 2021
Consiglieresti questa scuola?
Questa è un commento verificato. Questo studente ha prenotato un corso presso questa scuola attraverso Language International.
Karl Sammut, GSE Sales and Marketing Director at Gateway School of English GSE responded to this review.
07 August 2021

Many thanks for the review Paolma. Much appreciated, the GSE team

"I recommend"

Hênio Delfino, studente da Brasile

I liked the experience, great teachers. I was not at the student residence because I thought it limited my contact with the locals and I was right, that is, if you want to stay away from the school it is quiet, as the city is very accessible and safe.

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Il mio giudizion su questa scuola

Qualità dell'insegnamento
Strutture scolastiche
Attività sociali
Località della scuola
durata degli studi
3 settimane
Data dello studio
6 Jan 2020 - 31 Jan 2020
Consiglieresti questa scuola?
Questa è un commento verificato. Questo studente ha prenotato un corso presso questa scuola attraverso Language International.
Karl Sammut, GSE Team at Gateway School of English GSE responded to this review.
02 April 2020

thanks a lot for this review, the GSE team. Much appreciated



GSE offre i seguenti tipi di alloggio:

Alloggio in famiglia - 4-persone in camera condivisa - Colazione e cena

189 €

Family Programme - Young Learner Accommodation Homestay 2/3/4 person room (Half board Basis)

Fascia d'età: 4 - 12 anni di età
Località: In the city center of San Giuliano
Tipo di alloggio: Alloggio in famiglia
Tipo di camera: 4-persone in camera condivisa
Pasti: Colazione e cena (14 meals per week)
Disponibilità: gennaio - dicembre
Giorno di arrivo: sabato, in qualsiasi momento
Giorno di partenza: sabato, in qualsiasi momento
189 €
Family Programme - Young Learner Accommodation Homestay 2/3/4 person room (Half board Basis) (shared bathroom)

Residenza per studenti - 4-persone in camera condivisa - Colazione

161 €

Family Programme - Young Learner Accommodation GSE Residence 2/3/4 person room (Bed & Breakfast Basis)

Fascia d'età: 4 - 12 anni di età
Indirizzo: No. 1, Bosfru Street, San Gwann 1953, Malta
Località: In the city center of San Giuliano
Tipo di alloggio: Residenza per studenti (nel campus)
Tipo di camera: 4-persone in camera condivisa
Pasti: Colazione (7 meals per week)
Strutture: Cucina, lavanderia, wireless internet, free internet, sala TV, aria condizionata, riscaldamento, e giardino
Distanza dalla scuola: 3 minuti in walk
Disponibilità: gennaio - dicembre
Giorno di arrivo: sabato, in qualsiasi momento
Giorno di partenza: sabato, in qualsiasi momento
161 €
Ideal accommodation for children travelling with parents. Prices are for young learners (4 to 12 years old), same price applies for quadruple, triple and twin rooms.

Thanks to the Gateway School of English Residence, students wishing to live close to Gateway School of English are guaranteed:

- an excellent service,
- speed of access to the school (less than 30 metres and only 3 minutes from bedroom to classroom!),
and the relaxation that comes with not having the hassle of travelling long distances to and from one’s place of study.

The school residence staff always strive to provide just the service you need and make your stay at the residence as comfortable as possible. Staff and management alike are there to help you at all times.

Residence Location
Very conveniently, the school is situated within easy walking distance of the island’s most popular tourist resort, nearest beach and top recreational/shopping centre (with plenty of cafés, bars and restaurants): Spinola Bay in the city of St Julian’s, which is only 12 minutes away on foot. In addition, none of Malta’s major cultural and historical places of interest, some of which are recognised as UNESCO World Heritage Sites, are more than half an hour away from where our students learn and live. These can all be reached very easily thanks to the easy access to the public transport network, with bus stop ‘Baltiku’ (bus number 120) only 2 minutes away from the school and the residence.

Residence Premises
Adjacent to the school, the school residence provides a clean, comfortable and modern home for those students at GSE who choose to live as close as possible to the school, with just a 3-minute walk from bedroom to classroom, and in the peace and quiet that is possible in a residence reserved exclusively for adults and families (any minors must always be accompanied by their parents/guardians and are never unattended).

The building itself is a fully detached, three-floor structure made out of local Maltese limestone and has 22 oak-furnished bedrooms (6 double rooms, 12 triple rooms and 4 quadruple rooms), and 8 bathrooms. A big bonus is that, unlike in most other places of accommodation (including host families), all bedrooms are fully air-conditioned all the year round. Students have their own desk, chair, wardrobe and locker. Bed linen is changed once a week and towels twice a week. Single rooms are available in the low season (winter/autumn/spring) and high season (summer) at an extra supplement. Common areas include 4 TV rooms, outdoor recreational patios and the in-house canteen in which breakfast and lunch are served. Free Wi-Fi is accessible all over the building.

Residence Meals
Accommodation is available on bed and breakfast basis. Breakfast is served daily in the canteen between 8:00 hrs and 9:00 hrs
Breakfast is a buffet and consists of scrambled eggs, tomatoes, cucumbers, toasted bread, jam, butter, ham, salami & cheese, choice of cereals, tea/coffee, choice of cakes and free flow of orange juice and water.
Communal cooking facilities are available for students to make use of. Lunch can be bought from the school canteen as well

For those who enjoy going out for dinner in the evenings, or who might want to order a takeaway delivery every now and then, there are plenty of restaurants and coffee shops nearby to choose from.

The School is situated in a high quality neighbourhood!

Supporto per il visto

Non possiamo richiedere visti a nome e per gli studenti. Comunque, la scuola può fornirti la documentazione completa che ti serve per fare domanda di visto.

La tua lettera di accettazione sarà inviata al tuo indirizzo postale con posta ordinaria a carico del mittente.

Voli e transiti aeroportuali

Please note that we do not book flights for our students. If you are researching airfare costs, we recommend using, a search engine that lets you compare flight options from your home country to San Giuliano based on your budget, schedule and preferences.

Assicurazione di viaggio

Studiare all'estero senza preoccupazione con le coperture assicurative su salute ed effetti personali di Language International. Quando prenoti un corso con noi, puoi decidere di acquistare un piano di assicurazione internazionale che copre non solo la cura della tua salute ma anche la perdita o smarrimento dei tuoi effetti personali. Devi prenotare in anticipo la tua assicurazione al momento della registrazione.

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